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SSPR Help Desk module password policy.

Hi all,


I have a question regarding the password policy for the Help Desk in SSPR v4.4.

I would like to configure two separate password policies. One for the Forgotten Password module, where users can set their own password according to the rules of the first password policy.

Another password policy would apply to the Help Desk module.

The Help Desk module would set a random password for the user according to the rules of the second password policy.


Does anyone have any idea or solution on how to set a password policy that would apply to a user password set from the Help Desk module?




Self Service Password Reset
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    A little more precise explanation of the problem:

    The administrator can set a password for users from the Help Desk module. The password is composed randomly according to the password policy (more precisely: 10 characters with some restrictions).

    Now, the problem is because this same password policy also applies in the case where the user sets his own password in the Forgotten Password module, and this password policy is not "user-friendly".

    Therefore, I would like to set separate password policies for the Help Desk and Forgotten Password module.




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    Not sure you can have two diffrent but what you can do is this:

    Policy demand: 10 characters, demand 1 number, 1 upper case, 1 lower case.

    Policy allow: special characters, other strange not user friendly stuff.

    Or something like that.

    What I imply is that the demand part should satisfy your user friendliness so it works for them.

    Also allow the stange characters, that will be part of the random stuff that helpdesk sets, not always but very often.