No users are displayed when navigating to People -> Users in idmdash.
Identity Manager 4.8.x Identity Manager 4.9
No users are displayed when navigating to People -> Users in idmdash. The following errors can…
An Insufficiently Protected Credentials vulnerability has been discovered in OpenText Identity Manager Advanced Edition The issue affects Identity Manager Advanced Edition versions till CVE reference CVE-2024-12799
This Document describes an issue where workflows are rejected by SAP with error "Wrong SOAP Version" when using SOAP 1.2.
Designer 4.8.4 Designer 4.8.5 Designer 4.8.6 Designer 4.8.7 Designer 4.9
Requests from…
The 3rd party certificates may be signed by some intermediate certificates and root certificate. Then, Identity Console shows three certificates or more in Certificate Chain. When using the 3rd party certificate for SSL communicating as TLS between IDM…
489 error when accessing a user's assigned permissions and a NullPointerException in catalina.out
Identity Manager User Application
When accessing a page where permissions are displayed it's possible to get…
Identity Console 1.7.1: Password Status and Synchronization shows "No result found" For the same system iManager does show Password Status for users
Identity Console Identity Manager
Identity Console 1.7.1:…
The following error occurs while trying to start eDirectory: Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
Identity Manager 4.8.6 for Linux Identity Manager 4.8.7 for Linux Identity Manager 4.9 for Linux eDirectory 9…
Identity Reporting 7.0.1
Identity Reporting 7.0.1 overwrites custom header/footer report on a restart of tomcat service.
This issue has been identified as a defect.
See full knowledge document on support port…
This article describes an issue where the Azure AD driver fails to start and shows error "Http response status : HTTP/1.1 401 Initialization failed. The DriverShim is out of sync with the Exchange Service." in trace during Exchange server initialization…
This article should provide information about the needed eDirectory rights for a non-admin account to gather monitoring information of an eDirectory server.
eDirectory 9.2.x Identity Manager 4.8.x
Customer might…
The Identity Manager Container images are based on Red Hat's UBI (Universal Base Image) minimal images. As a result, many tools that might be expected to be found in the container are missing. This document describes how to add them.
Using capital letters in the "function" word in a function declaration can affect the JS Library tab functionality to detect and save any further changes to the script
Identity Validator 2.0.1
When a function…
NetIQ IDM Active Directory driver SHIM disconnects from the NetIQ IDM AD remote loader with the above error. The remote loader will not reconnect to the SHIM. This cannot be reproduced, and happens intermittently. Log files shows the above error which…
Identity Manager 4.9 Situation
When accessing /idmdash/#/tasks and select others tab and enter a star character for the teams search we see an error "Failed to fetch teams list"
Condition : this is a specific scenario where the Manage…
error - [rbpm] getelementaclforpermission: the id ldaprealm\cn=uaadmin.context does not exist for the right protect and element type locksmithelementtype.
IDM 4.8.7 & 4.9
Identity Manager 4.9 ACDI 24.2
The ACDI driver fails to start after installing and configuring the Monitor package. The following error is observed in the ACDI driver log:
DirXML Log Event -------------------
Driver: \IDMTREE…
Unable to save the configuration while running The following error is encountered: Saving Configuration: Advanced Authentication Administrator: ‘Admin Password’ Cannot Be Empty
Identity Manager 4.8.7 for Linux…
To troubleshoot issues related to java file conflicts, incompatibilities or missing libraries in an Identity Manager Server, it's useful to be able to enable verbose logging of the class loading process. This article describes how to do this on Linux…
Environment IDM 4.8.7 IDM 4.9.0 Situation IDM Identity Reporting changes identity record's idmrpt_valid_from value when a resource is assigned or revoked Defect: OCTCR56A670111
See full knowledge document here
The Windows Scripting Service fails all transaction after a server restart.
Identity Manager 4.8.x Identity Manager 4.9 Windows Scripting Driver
After a server restart, all transactions processed by the Windows…
Service unavailable: An internal error has occurred with the following message: Certificates do not conform to algorithm constraints or Service unavailable: An internal error has occurred with the following message: No appropriate protocol (protocol is…
When doing a query on a connected system, a token-query for a specific string concatenates the attribute value with the association of the queried object
Identity Manager 4.8.x Identity Manager 4.9
When doing…
UserApplication Install/Configure results in incomplete file when installing against Standard Edition IDM Server
UserApplication Install and Configuration
After Install and Configure…
The Azure AD Driver receives a fatal error that caused the driver to shut down. The trace shows that the error is reported when setting a password.
Identity Manager 4.8.x Identity Manager 4.9 Azure AD Driver Azure AD Driver…
The IDProvider Client returns error -1, regardless the nature of the error it encounters. By using trace level 8, it's possible to get more information about the nature of the problem
Identity Manager 4.8.x and 4.9 ID Provider…