Identity Manager 4.8.x
Identity Manager 4.9
No users are displayed when navigating to People -> Users in idmdash. The following errors can be seen in the catalina.log file when this occurs:
17:16:34.232 [https-jsse-nio-8543-exec-8] ERROR com.novell.srvprv.impl.vdata.model.VirtualDataAccess - [RBPM] Operation not supported. Compound Indexes not found for the sorting attribute : javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedExcep
tion: [LDAP: error code 53 - Unwilling To Perform]; remaining name 'o=data'
javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - Unwilling To Perform]
17:16:34.265 [https-jsse-nio-8543-exec-8] ERROR com.netiq.idm.rest.access.UserInfoService - [RBPM] Internal exception occurred processing REST service
com.netiq.idm.infosrv.IdentityInfoServiceException: Sorting functionality does not work for FirstName attribute. Please contact the system administrator for more details.
In an LDAP trace, close to the "Sending operation result 53" message, the following error can be seen:
SearchWithControls: Order index for givenName+sn not found