DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Supporting about Identity Console (Docker)
Identity Manager (IDM),eDirectory (NetIQ eDirectory)
Identity Console 1.6 (Docker & non-Docker)
Identity Console 1.7 (Docker & non-Docker)
Supporting Identity Console in AWS EC2
Deploying Identity Console (Docker) on RHEL 8.6 and Docker container in AWS EC2
Deploying Identity Console (Docker) on Windows Server 2019 and Docker container in AWS EC2
Deploying Identity Console (non-Docker) on RHEL 8.6 in AWS EC2
Deploying Identity Console (Docker) with the following multiple containers:
(a) Deploying multiple containers with different IP address for Identity Console with port 9000 as default.
(b)Deploying multiple containers with same IP address for Identity Console with different port 9000, 9001 etc.
Hypothetically all the scenarios outlined should work.
However they have not been tested and certified in Identity Console 1.6 and 1.7.
Please contact product support for latest status.
Additional Information
The Version 1.7 has been released at June 1st 2023.
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