• Knowledge Document: Importing a WDSL document into a Workflow "Integration Activity"

    This Document describes an issue where workflows are rejected by SAP with error "Wrong SOAP Version" when using SOAP 1.2. Environment Designer 4.8.4 Designer 4.8.5 Designer 4.8.6 Designer 4.8.7 Designer 4.9 Situation Requests from…
  • Netiq Desinger Autentication Error Import Vault

    Hi Team. We have IDM 4.8.7 and Designer We lost connections (before we can connect and import or deploy objetcs) to Vault from Designer but we can connect to Vaul using Identity Console and the same credentials: Host: IP:636 User:…
  • more status values available for Workflow Status activity

    Currently I am creating a custom workflow that creates objects in eDirectory and I would like to be able to set the final status of the workflow to Provisioned, not Approved. When using the WorkflowStatus activity, only 2 values can be set: Approved…
  • Bug Fix: DAL List

    After creating a DAL list, the label is displayed, but the value from the list is not shown. In your documentation, it states that the text from the list item is displayed in the user application, and since this is not the case, this is a bug. In the…
  • Simulation of matching in Desinger 4.9 is not working as expected

    Today I was starting to simulate the do-find-matching-object action during a demonstration / training, and found the simulation was only working, if exactly one object was found. If the response to the query issued by the do-find-matching-object action…
  • Simulation of matching not working in Designer 4.9

    Today I was starting to run a few simulations of the do-find-matching action in Designer 4.9 and found, the simulation is broken, if muktiple objects are returnd in the query. As long as the response to the query, buid besed on the do-find-matching…
  • ACDI WOrkflow Monitor package cannot be installed

    I was following the exact steps descibed in https://www.netiq.com/documentation/identity-manager-49/acdi_guide/data/installing-workflow-package-acdi.html and when I add the package and try to apply it I get "Package 'ACDI Workflow Monitor' (…
  • JSON Form Select from Global List

    Hi all, I'm new to NetIQ & currently learning how to make forms & workflows. I have a list item in the DAL that I would like to show as options in a select component, but I can't figure out how to do this. Is this possible?
  • Calling XSLT From Within a Policy

    Hi all, I have a nodeset that I got from a query. I'd like to sort it based on the value of a specific child. Can I call XSLT from within a driver policy? So, I'd like to apply an xsl:sort to these vars: Is it possible to apply xslt to a nodeset…
  • Reading Expiry Date of CA Cert in Driver

    Hi all, I need to read cert expiry dates and put them into a mail that goes out once a month. I've made a null driver that runs via a scheduled job. Reading the expiry dates of all certs except CA is easy enough because the objects have an attribute…
  • token-query action - match with LDAP filter

    Hi, I would like to see token-query action or new action for query, where you can create match criteria with LDAP like filter. Now there is often a need to use ldap query through ecma-script/xpath since match criteria of token-query action is not…
  • (Partially) open-source Designer

    There is obviously not much effort made anymore on fixing bugs in Designer, let alone enhance it in any way. Please consider open-sourcing Designer, at least the non-propriety parts that do not give away Novell/NetIQ/Micro Focus/OpenText's valuable business…
  • token-xml-serialize should add xml header to output (option)

    Currently token-xml-serialize returns the text representation of an XML object, but does not add the xml header to the output. That for one thing break token-map (some people incl. vendor manipulate mapping tables). Currently the workaround is to…
  • Designer Timeout issue

    Updated Designer to 4.8.7. When trying to do deploy or compare I get the error message that edirectory can't be accessed. In the logs I see: !ENTRY org.eclipse.jface 4 0 2023-08-15 12:44:15.516 !MESSAGE Unhandled event loop exception during blocked…
  • Driver XPath Get XML element value

    I have the XML response in Driver's local variable ' lv-Result '. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001…
  • Designer publish and reorder of site.xml file

    The order of the packages in the site.xml file when publishing a new package version is depending the "natural order" of the packages on the file system. This means that: when you publish to a folder on a local NTFS driver, the order is (almost…
  • Packaging: Show customizations of object

    Hi, I have wondered a while why on packaged customised policy (or other object) there is not possible to compare customization for current policy and policy in package. Only option is to Revert customization, which is not wise to do if you do not…
  • FormBuilder needs a way to set a default value for DateTime component

    With a DateTime component, if you disable the component and then set the Format String on it, that format string is shown as the placeholder for that component. This format string will look like "gibberish" to an end user and thus should not be present…
  • Add a new policy action to "generate CEF event"

    Policy Builder currently has two actions: “generate event” which will generate a user defined event that can be audited by Novell Audit/Sentinel “generate xdas event” which will generate a user defined XDAS event to NetIQ Audit service. Novell Audit and…
  • Deploying password from Designer for the Default Notification Collection doesn't work

    Hi, I have environment with eDirectory 9.2.7 and IDM 4.8.6 on Windows Server 2019. I can't deploy the password for the Default Notification Collection for authenticating the user to the SMTP server. I get the following error message from the Deployment…
  • Package management - Start Creating New Package version from Driver object /Packages

    Hi I have found hard to develop new version of package. You are working in driver where you have packaged policies to be update - you need to create new package version to have changes implemented Go to Package Catalog Find the package you want…
  • require token-src-dn value without \

    Hi, I need one help. I am using designer tool to work with one custom java class call. Here I need to pass token-src-dn as parameter to java method but thing is token-src-dn value is in escape character format. Java is not able to accept this format as…
  • Updating UserApplication packages with NOVLUABASE_4.8.6.20220912161613.jar

    Could someone explain the packages update delivery? The 4.8.6 documentiation mentions the neccesity to update the UserApplication package with NOVLUABASE_4.8.6.20220912161613.jar. There is the Designer update archive among the patch binaries but I cannot…
  • An error has occurred during the creation of the activity. please forward the WSDL to Novell support.

    Hi, I am trying to use the roleservice wsdl in an integration activity in idm I downloaded the wsdl file from /IDMProv/role/service When trying to use it in the integration activity, I get an error dialogue saying: "An error has occurred…
  • Workflow Rest Activity should support OAuth2 authentication

    Currently by Workflows in Designer is the REST Activity limited to Basic Authentication format. It would be very useful and safer if it supports OAuth2 Authentication.