• Formbuilder 4.8 : Filling tree component data from eDirectory

    Hi I'm testing the FormBuilder and I'd like to know if there is any way to fill de TREE Element data from eDirectory. I want a tree with the containers structure starting from an specific point. I have seen that this component has the option JSON…
  • JSON Forms: Object data and intance methodes

    Dear all, to be honest I am feeling a little lost, working with Form Builder and even IDM 4.9 did not provide a huge step forward regarding it´s documentation. I know, there is a general documentation available on FormIO, but at least speaking…
  • JSON Forms: Clear Field value on change of checkboxes

    Dear Forum, I had defined a JSON Form providing two checkbockes and a text field. During the initialization of the form, or after selecting a user in a dnlookup filed, the text filed is initialized with an attribute value of the selected user, and…
  • Using DAL Queries in Form Builder

    Hello, does someone know how to use DAL Queries in Form Builder? Actually I am looking for an example similar as shown in the Documentation , but using Form Builder. I wonder why the Documentation still refers the old forms??? Any input is very…
  • IDM 4.8.7 - Forms - dynamic Entity - localizedName

    Hello, IDM version 4.8.7 (Forms version ->The version that came with IDM 4.8.7 as an optional one) I have a Dynamic Entity as a component. There I have stored a localizedString as display value. However, it only ever takes the English translation and…
  • Form Builder in IDM 4.9 - does it require internet connection

    Hi, after upgrading from IDM 4.8 to 4.9 I noticed that Form Builder is not showing javascript code when editing logic on a component. That lead me to the debugger in Form Builder, where I see failing requests to cdn.form.io/ace/1.4.10/ace.js Am I…
  • IDM 4.8 Form Builder does not display components in Designer

    We are trying to use FormBuilder in designer but the components doesn´t seems to load correctly (see attached image). Looks like some stylesheets are missing. There is no problem to load a form in IDMdash. Any ideas what could cause this?
  • Forms 4.8.7 - calculated Value - Recalculation buggy?

    Hello, We are using the latest form builder version, which was released with IDM 4.8.7 (which could be installed optionally). We wanted to create a simple "Modify" form and use "calculated values" to fill in the different fields (first name, last name…
  • NetIQ IDM 4.8.6 - Form Builder - Multiple DNs to be returned

    I want to update some attributes of the multiple identities at the same time using single form. In below screenshot I have selected 3 identities using DN Query in the backend. In the provisioning request definition I only have 1 field to enter the…
  • Form builder: Setting property with logic breaks select field rendering

    Hi, I have a select field that should display some employment types. On Calculated Default Value i make a query and set the field value with: instance.setFieldValue(empTypes,"XATTRIBAssocRole","Description"); That works perfecty fine and renders…
  • Form builder: Hide DN Displays until resolved

    Hi! I am trying to figure out a way to make my form look cleaner and before I throw myself into a silly workaround I thought I would check in with the community! :) I want to show roleassigments of a role, with information on the assignees, such…
  • Form Builder 4.8.7 - Custom Errors - Localization

    Hello, with the new form builder 4.8.7 there is an option to set custom error message for different keys/"events": This new feature works fine, but I struggle to localize those error messages for different languages. Is there a way to localize…
  • Form Builder and Rest API function: Delete Cache

    Hello, I am using Form Builder with JSON forms and I need to make a request to clear the cache, I want to use the function: /rest/admin/cache/holder/item from the Rest API: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/identity-manager-developer/rest-api…
  • NetIQ IDM Form Builder Field to Display Manager's Employees

    I have a requirement to be present in the form in which I need to display the employees that are working under a manager. I am using queries to fetch a set of Users and with the help of the DN Query component in the form I am able to display all the…
  • Validating end date in IDM workflow form

    Hi, I have a form in a workflow for creating a new user. I am using the NetIQ Form Builder. The form has a start date (data.startdate) and an end date (data.enddate) - both date/time components. I want to verify that the end date is no more than 2 years…
  • Form Builder: How to use a jQuery library - datatables

    Hello, I was tasked with building a logbook of sorts. All entries have to be displayed in a table. Because thare are lots of entries the table needs pagination. You have to be able to search trough the entries and be able to sort them. Lastly you must…
  • IDM 4.8 Form Builder - onClick function to make components visible

    Hello, everyone! I'm trying to build a Workflow to create a new company. The workflow should have by default only two visible components: a EIN input and a validate EIN button. (1 - First picture) But, it will have other fields to register all…
  • Building a button with a custom function to validate other field input

    Hello, everyone. I'm trying to do a custom button which will validate the input typed on other field. The thing is I can't quite understand how can the click on that button invoke the function and to the validations. I don't know if is necessary…
  • trigger validation on textbox without changing\focusing on field

    Hello I am working on a request form several text fields are being pre loaded from another input. I want to perform validation on that input. I want to trigger the onChange validation or blur validation without the user needs to actually change…
  • Form Builder: How to get approver info to approval form?

    How do I get approver info (e.g. name or email) to approval form's text component? Not the trustee(s) but the person info that opens the form for approval. -tjka-
  • CSS Framework with NetIQ Formbuilder

    Is it possible to use CSS frameworks from Form.io with NetIQ Forms in the Formbuilder, and if so, what is the process for integrating them?
  • Form Builder's "Dynamic Entity" "Display Expression"

    I'm trying to simply display the selected user data in a certain format (using a Dynamic Entity Component). Specifically, I want it to display as (CN="tuser1", FirstName="Test1", LastName="User1"): "tuser1: User1, Test1" I'm able to lookup the users…
  • FormBuilder util.failureNotification pop up placement

    Hi, I am trying to show an error message to the user in some cases. How could i place this error message, such that it is visible to the user? By default it seems to go in the top, which is not visible if the user is further down the form. The same…
  • Setting time with FormBuilder Date/time

    Hi, I would like to use a Date/Time component to get a date and time from the user. If I enable both date and time, the pop up will only ask for date. If I disable the date, I will get a pop up for time. Is there a way to get pop up for both, to avoid…
  • IDM 4.8.6 Dynamic Query component of a form a period is escaped with a backslash when an email address is in the query

    It's very strange... If I do a query using an entity including an email address and all fields except CN are escaped if I query for an email address with a period in it. eDirectory filter for query base: "dc=mycompany,dc=com" scope:2 dereference…