Using token-attr or token-dest-attr Not return value


We are using token-attr or token-dest-attr for return the value from Vault, but the value is nothig.

Ist a Text Driver only for update workforceID, Given Name and Surname.

The update works fine, but I need to condition in case the employeeStatus does not meet a condition.

We need query a attribute that not set on filter.

The filter is:


Then in a Match Policy I need validate if the employeeStatus equal to D.

I try to return the value attribute using Nouns Attribute or Destination Atribute, but any way return data.

I am using  "trace message" to debug values

It is the log:

PT:    Applying rule 'Validate employeeStatus'.
PT:      Action: do-trace-message("Attr: "+token-attr("employeeStatus")+"- Dest Att:"+token-dest-attr("employeeStatus",class-name="User")).
PT:        arg-string("Attr: "+token-attr("employeeStatus")+"- Dest Att:"+token-dest-attr("employeeStatus",class-name="User"))
PT:          token-text("Attr: ")
PT:          token-attr("employeeStatus")
PT:            Token Value: "".
PT:          token-text("- Dest Att:")
PT:          token-dest-attr("employeeStatus",class-name="User")
PT:            Token Value: "".
PT:          Arg Value: "Attr: - Dest Att:".
PT:Attr: - Dest Att:

Do I need to set some before use its Nouns?
