Query in DAL Return 0 result for a non admin rigth user

Hello again friend!

We create a DAL Query that work as expect when we run a form from UserApp portal with the uaadmin or a Admin Rigth user, but when we use other normal user the query return 0. 

I was check a lot information in forum and in documentation, buy no get a clue what we need, look like normal user have no privilage to search over the Access sub-trre.

Please any Idea?


  • Verified Answer


    User App in Forms (Old or new) auth to eDir as the logged in user (Different in old and new forms, but still works the same in the end).

    So if users need to query a DAL entity for listing objects, they need eDir permissions. Usually at least Browse at the Entry level. Then any attribute data they want to read from those objects (I.e. the attributes listed in the Entity in the DAL).