JSON Forms: Problems with reading "data" object


I am having trouble with one of the forms. It suddenly stopped working. After some debugging, I discovered that values read from the "data" object are empty.

As an example I print the following values to console:

The result is very strange. When only data is printed everything works as it should. If I try to do other stuff, the values from the datagrid component "pogodbe" are empty.

What troubles me the most is that there was no change of the forms to my knowledge. How can something so trivial brake over night? The same form still works in my test environment.

I am open to any suggestions of how to resolve this problem...

Best regards, Nik

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    You are probably correct. I do not know why the data would be empty since the component is supposed to refresh on change. The change being: a contract was added.

    I have tried to refresh the component manually which has fixed the problem. A manual refresh of a component can be triggered by calling:


    I still haven't found a reason as to why the form stopped working in the first place but at least it is fixed for now.