Workflow Error - Identifier does not exist for this service operation


We get this error "Identifier does not exist for this service operation" for the below IDVault query for a random role though that particular role is exist in IDM and 'nrfRequestDef' attribute is added in it. Any idea why this issue occurs?

IDVault.get(RoleDN , 'RoleEntity', 'nrfRequestDef');


  • 0

    Check all the places there is a filter mechanism within DAL - entity definition, query definition.
    The object is present in ldap where I believe you look up using another tool to open exact location of it or filtering by cn, or do you make that dn on the fly?
    The checks in DAL wont pickup the object if it misses additional class specified as required in entity definition or the path isn't really matching (altough the message is meant for the first case I think).

  • 0

    Check all the places there is a filter mechanism within DAL - entity definition, query definition.
    The object is present in ldap where I believe you look up using another tool to open exact location of it or filtering by cn, or do you make that dn on the fly?
    The checks in DAL wont pickup the object if it misses additional class specified as required in entity definition or the path isn't really matching (altough the message is meant for the first case I think).

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