IDM 4.9 released

Looks like it is out!  Available in SLD as a new item in the third row as 4.9

List of featues I heard are:

  • Support for "Microsoft Modern Authentication" - Introduces support for OAuth2 authentication specifically tailored for email accounts within Office 365.
  • Cumulative Full Installer
  • Form Renderer Updates - Revamped form renderer with updated libraries for flexible data entry.
  • ACDI – Monitoring ( Audit, Compliance and Data Intelligence ) 
  • User application Monitoring Improvements - Real-time insights via CN = Monitor for improved user application monitoring.
  • IDM Containers (OT UBI, AWS, Azure)
  • Azure AD Driver performance and scalability

Seems like some interesting changes.

I see the DTD for DirXML Script got updated with two new lines:

Changes in 4.9

Rats, do I need to update my book again?  :)  I think I will wait for some bigger changes before making a new edition.

What else have you guys found new in 4.9?

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    Hi all, I just want to quickly mention, that there is an issue with sending emails from templates with version 4.9!

    DirXML Log Event -------------------

         Driver:   \WORKFORCE\server\s05edir02_driverset\User Notification

         Channel:  Subscriber

         Status:   Error

         Message:  Code(-9195) Error in : Couldn't send email: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'int com.sun.mail.util.QEncoderStream.encodedLength(byte[], boolean)'

    Maybe this information helps anyone out there to notice this before upgrading a productive environment and then suddenly realizing, that notifications are not working anymore Slight smile
    There is an SR opened already for this issue, but currently there is not really a workaround. We needed to provide a new server with 4.8.7 which now runs the driver sending the notifications...

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    Hello everyone,

    Regarding the NoSuchMethodError, I just wrote the following KB Article:

    Another issue that we are often seeing is a NullPointerException when trying to send an email. This is documented here:

    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Rodrigo,

    First off all, thanks for sharing this information!

    meanwhile we found by running several tests, the Java error and the fact the mail is not send is related to German Umlauts in the subject defined in the email template. As soon those are removed/replaced the mails  are send as expected!

    on the upgraded idm4.9 servers the Jakarta-Mail-api is not present at all, so I am wondering if providing the 1.6.7 version available on IDM 4.8.7 servers would fix the described issue as well.

    Are you still investigating this issue and will there be possibly an official patch, soon?

    Kind regards 


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    Hi Rodrigo,

    I just double-checked the jar files on both the customers servers and my lab environment.

    I found the angus-mail-1.0.0.jar but the jakarta-mail and jakarta-mail-api jar files are showing different versions. (2.0.1 and 2.1.2)

    Following your KB shall we rename those jar files present, or shall we downgrade the jakarta-mail-api to the samee version as jakarta-mail? This is what I was asked by support, but the customer was not wanting to downgrade one of the jar files just for traying.

    Kind regards


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    Hi, I got here trying to trace a similar post 4.9 email issue.  I noted that for some reason we have duplicate java classes in angus/jakarta.  My client was using the do-send-email token to an unauthencating smtp server.  After the upgrade IDM errors with :

    java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class com.sun.mail.util.LineInputStream does not implement the requested interface jakarta.mail.util.LineInputStream

    I've not seen reference to this error message anywhere here, but I feel it must be related. Anyone seen this?   On the server in question it looks like jakarta is loading before angus (but this differs from server to server).  I have tried adding the named password spoken about to the driver set to no avail.  I will try reversing the load using the renames as suggested, but this seems mad.

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    To everyone monitoring the issues around emails, I just updated these two KB Articles with some new information. In summary, this is new:

     - To fix the issue with NoSuchMethodError, two libraries need to be removed from the classes directory (jakarta.mail-api and angus-mail). This seems to fix most issues we've seen so far.

     - IDM 4.9 forces authentication to be configured. Some SMTP servers ignore the attempt to use it, which explains why it works in some systems, but that is the underlying reason for the NullPointerException errors that are seen if the authentication information is missing.

     - In the next release (4.10), the option to not use authentication is planned to be re-introduced and these two libraries will be removed.