Driver XPath Get XML element value

I have the XML response in Driver's local variable 'lv-Result'.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sf="">
                <type>API REQUESTS</type>
            <result xsi:type="QueryResult">
                <queryLocator xsi:nil="true"/>
                <records xsi:type="sf:sObject">

I want to get the value of <sf:Id>005030000040AQeAAM</sf:Id> and <size>1</size>, please help here.

I tried the below XPath in Driver's local variable as String but got an error.


I am using IDM 4.7.3.

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  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to   

    Here is a screen shot, for a POlicy editor page, I clicked on the Namespace icon, upper right, (see where my arrow is pointing) and moved the Namespace Editor underneath for a smaller screen shot.

    In the prefix, put sf

    In the URI put the value

    If you check the <policy> node, before and after the change, you will see it gets appended the full

    xmlns:sf="" value.

    Both ways are the same, just different approaches.
