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Integrating NetIQ Access Governance with Identity Manager Dashboard


1.0 Integrating NetIQ Access Governance with Identity Manager Dashboard

To integrate NetIQ Identity Governance with Identity Manager, you must configure single sign-on for both identity applications and Identity Governance and then update the identity applications to recognize Identity Governance. This process includes the following activities:

1.1 Integrating Single Sign-on Access with Identity Manager

Configure single sign-on for both identity applications and Identity Governance. For more information, see Integrating Single Sign-on Access with Identity Manager in the NetIQ Identity Governance User Guide.

1.2 Configuring Identity Governance for Integration 

    1. On the server where you installed Identity Governance, log in as an administrator.


    1. Stop the application server.

For example,

/etc/init.d/idmapps_tomcat_init stop

    1. Launch the configuration update utility in console mode in the command prompt.

For example,

/opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/ -password $db_password -console

    1. Enter the following command:

ap com.netiq.iac2.clientID $OSP_CLIENT_OF_RBPM

ap com.netiq.iac2.clientPass $CLIENT_PASSWORD_OF_RBPM

ap com.netiq.iac.CORSclient $HTTP_URL_OF_RBPM_MACHINE

ap com.netiq.iac2.redirect.url $RBPM_OSP_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URL

For example:

ap com.netiq.iac2.clientID rbpm

ap com.netiq.iac2.clientPass password

ap com.netiq.iac.CORSclient http://myhost:8080

ap com.netiq.iac2.redirect.url http://myhost:8080/IDMProv/oauth


    1. To verify that you have set the value correctly, enter the following command:

dc com.netiq.iac2.clientID

dc com.netiq.iac2.clientPass

dc com.netiq.iac.CORSclient

dc com.netiq.iac2.redirect.url


    1. To exit the utility, enter exit.

The utility write the values in the file.

For example,


    1. Start the application server.

For example,

/etc/init.d/idmapps_tomcat_init start

1.3 Updating Identity Governance Host URL in Identity Manager Dashboard

    1. On the server where you installed the Dashboard, log in as User Application administrator.


    1. On Identity Manager Home, click the Name list, located in the top right-hand corner of the page.


    1. Click Settings.


    1. Click Customization.


    1. From the Navigation Items list, select General.


    1. In the Identity Governance URL (igURL) field, specify the URL for your Identity Governance installation.

For example, http://IGHost:8080

    1. Select Save.


    1. Refresh the browser.

1.4 Verifying the Identity Governance Link

    1. Launch Identity Manager Dashboard.

Now you should see the new tiles for Identity Governance tasks.

    1. Manually restore the customized settings for Tomcat, SSPR, OSP, or Identity Applications.


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