• IG 4.2 cluster mode(2 nodes) Custom CSS not getting applied on both the nodes (Branding)

    Hi, We have a cluster installation with primary and secondary node of Identity Governance 4.2 running on tomcat server in Linux (RHEL 8). As per the documentation for IG 4.2 ( www.microfocus.com/.../t4hw8eihfdcz.html) , for customization of header and…
  • Inconsistency during Access Review

    We are using Identity Governance with a collector called "Acessos do IDM" which gathers permissions directly from IDM. However, we are facing an inconsistency in the behavior of permissions related to user profiles. In the permissions menu, we observe…
  • Error trying to contact with authentication service

    Hello Everyone, I am having some trouble with a 3.7.0 service that is not correctly starting up. When I try to log in with igadmin it throws OSP integration is configured locally in the same machine as IG. The OSP is integrated with Active Directory…
  • Identity Governance Login Issue with http port 8080, LDAP user

    Hi, Im facing issue after set up IG with OSP together installed in 1 server using port 8080. Initially it able to work, but randomly sometimes it suddenly unable to login anymore with LDAP users (tested 2 builds with both with edir and AD users). It seems…
  • IG Approvals with CORS error

    Hi all. I'm running IG 4.3.1 and IDM 4.9.0. Single sign on is working fine for IG and IDM, WF console also working fine in IG. All provisioningn configuration is done and also working fine. accessreview.utopia.lab is IG and identitymanagement.utopia…
  • Data policy to act when an assigned permission is coming to an end,

    Hi, We would like to have a data policy that notifies the enduser that their assigned permission are soon to be ended (7 days prior to enddate). I started with a policy as below and although I now for sure that I have assigned permissions with an…
  • Install IGA on SELinux enabled server

    Hi everybody, I am wondering if anybody could provide some hints on how to install IDG 4.3.1 on an SELinux enabled RHEL 8 server? Sorry, if I missed something in the documentation, but I am quite sure there is nothing in the IGA 4.x documentation…
  • Archive Rotation

    Hello, we are currently planning for archive rotation for IG 4.2. Does anyone have experience with that? We are using Oracle 19c. I have not found anything on the forum and little useful information in the documentation. The first fail I had…
  • integrating igm with am as authentication provider

    hi all kindly need advice since i had assessment with igm so basically i try to used AM as auth provider i read in manual it can user OSP and AM, and the scenario what we want to test was with AM first question :once the installation complete…
  • failed to connect postgresql while installation igm

    hi all need some advice, i had assessment to this product, i follow the installation for igm. prepared the prerequisites also, like Zulu OpenJDK and Apache Tomcat application server. but when step test connect of postgres it was failed, any…
  • [WARNING] 2024-08-29 11:51:46.218 [com.netiq.persist.json.JsonDataLoader] [IG-SERVER] 1 items from file ar3.6.2-data/deleteAuthRoleMappings.json were not deleted

    Hello Everyone, I am having some trouble with a 3.7.0 service that is not correctly starting up. When I try to log in with igadmin it throws Checking the logs the only concerning warning I can find is this one when deploying the API war: [WARNING…
  • Identity Manager automated fulfillment - always goes to manual fulfiller

    Identity Manager AE Permission Collector is configured as application source to collect idm roles as permissions in IG catalog. Permissions are requested using Access Request or via Business Role. For fulfillment Identity Manager automated fulfillment…
  • IG 3.7.3 to 4.2 upgrade - tomcat does not start

    Hi, I am doing an IG upgrade from 3.7.3 to 4.2. Before I do it at our customers, I do the upgrade in my home lab first. The documentation says IG4.2 needs the following components: Azul JDK 11.0.21 or later respective patched versions of 11.0.xx Apache…
  • Permission to Account Mapping

    I created two collectors for one application. The first collects accounts, and the second permissions aka groups. The collection of both is working, but the association of the groups to the accounts is not set as expected. This is what I receive…
  • Generic REST Collector supporting odata

    I am considering to connect an application offering an odata compliant REST API to IG (3.7.3), and I am wondering if it is possible - and/or suggested - to modify the shippir REST collector for GiHub. Unfortunately, without modification the REST GitHub…
  • How to delete custom e-mail templates in IG 3.7.3?

    So... I created a few templates and now I want them removed. I was able to find how to have them deleted in documentation for IG 4.2 but not in documentation for IG 3.7.3. The button to delete is not there. Any suggestions?
  • Cannot disable archive IGA 4.2

    Hi, Just installed IGA 4.2 - Brand new - Did one initial identity collection and publishing I have tested the connection to the archive db - it said OK. I tried enable archive, and got this errror in the error column Error occurred dropping…
  • Unable to start review because an unexpected condition occurred

    Hi. So, I get this message whenever I try to start a review. I created a new one, so it's not copy of any other previous template. I have tried different criteria, but still no success. [SEVERE] 2024-03-25 16:07:00.306 [com.netiq.iac.server.dtp.ReviewTaskStartThread…
  • IGA 3.7.3 - FQDN of OSP has changed

    Dear Forum, in my lab environment I have installed IDM Applications and OSP on one Server and IG on an other server. The setup was working, quite well. After a while I changed the IDM Applications and OSP to run behind an Apache proxy and changed…
  • Can I set a default decision when the items reach the reviewers queue?

    Example: the reviewer will see all items already flagged as "keep" and he will evaluate which ones he wants to change to "remove".
  • Fulfillment Change Request Types capabilities

    Hi, I am going to start configuring fulfillment in Identity Governance 3.7.0 in menu: Fulfillment > Configuration > Fulfillment Targets > Add Fulfillment target I see the following section: ======================================================…
  • Is it possible to create custom composite attributes?

    With IG 4.2 it is now possible to use the "isManager" subcondition for condition expressions in request policies. This is a great addition, since before this could only be done by using coverage maps, which might legally qualify as torture. With…
  • How to collects accounts and permissions from web service (rest api)

    Hi, we need to collect accounts and permissions from Dahua App, wich provides a REST API for integration. First we consume an authorization method that return us a token then this token is used for the method getAccounts an getPermissions. In the option…
  • IG 4.2 install error for OSP

    Fresh install of IG4.2 (SLES 15 SP4, tomcat, zulu jdk and activemq on the exact versions as required in the documentation). I did the base install with the help scripts, did the TLS/SSL configuration for tomcat. It is running with no errors on 8443…
  • igadmin user unable to login

    Hi there, I have freshly installed IG 3.7.3 on RHEL 8.9 with below versions. VSN_ACTIVEMQ="6.0.0" VSN_JDK="" VSN_TOMCAT="9.0.83" When I am trying to login with igadmin the dasboard is not opening and always redirecting to…