• IG 4.2 cluster mode(2 nodes) Custom CSS not getting applied on both the nodes (Branding)

    Hi, We have a cluster installation with primary and secondary node of Identity Governance 4.2 running on tomcat server in Linux (RHEL 8). As per the documentation for IG 4.2 ( www.microfocus.com/.../t4hw8eihfdcz.html) , for customization of header and…
  • 24-3 install is a breeze

    Just reporting in that we went through a 4.3.1 (24-3) install today, and it was a snap. Cleanest install of IG I've done in a while. We did see some weird artifacts in the guided installer on a RHEL 8 box, where it wouldn't update selections visually…
  • Catalog Account Category bug in 4.2?

    This is a postgres backend, 4.2 environment on a linux host. I have an application with an account and permission collectors that are working fine. When I go to the catalog and choose application, then drill into my application and choose the account…
  • How to delete custom e-mail templates in IG 3.7.3?

    So... I created a few templates and now I want them removed. I was able to find how to have them deleted in documentation for IG 4.2 but not in documentation for IG 3.7.3. The button to delete is not there. Any suggestions?
  • Can I set a default decision when the items reach the reviewers queue?

    Example: the reviewer will see all items already flagged as "keep" and he will evaluate which ones he wants to change to "remove".
  • Execute fulfillment when the decision is to KEEP access

    Is there a way to run an action at the end of an access review when the final decision is to KEEP the access? The scenario is: I collected information from an exceptions database and, if the decision is KEEP then I want IG to grant that access in IDM…
  • Is there a way to show to reviewers only keep and modify?

    For a certain type of access review I need the reviewers to see only keep and modify options. The REMOVE option should not be available.
  • Hold tasks during access review

    Is there a way to prevent the second approver in a review to see/act upon a task until it reaches the escalation? For instance, I set 3 days for escalation. I want the second reviewer to see the items only after these 3 days, even if all first reviewers…
  • Identity Governance make shopping cart Reason field mandatory.

    Hi Client has a requirement to make the Reason field in the shopping cart submission form mandatory. Is it possible to make this Reason field mandatory? I know in the request form of permission or application we can make reason mandatory by using a…
  • Remove permission assignment - PRD - Reason - How to get a localized string?

    Hi, IG 3.7.0-54 We are using a (or rather the accompanying) PRD to revoke roles from IG -> IDM The issue we are having, is that the "Reason", when seen from IdMs request status is written in english, for example " Remove permission assignment…
  • IG 3.7.3 Publish All Changes from Identity Manager AE Permission Collector results in the error [SEVERE] 2023-07-13 14:25:51.351 [com.netiq.iac.persistence.resolve.ApplicationResolutionServiceThread] [IG-DTP] Encountered unexpected error: org.hiberna...

    Hello, everyone. So, I've created one Application Source with the Identity Manager AE Permission Collector template to import the roles from IDV into IGA. However, when I try to Publish the Collection it results in the same error. Below is the…
  • IG Estimate Impact button CSV export

    Is there a way to add columns to the "Estimate Impact" CSV data provided when creating a review definition? Today in IG 3.7.3 the default is a csv file named "estimated_review_items.csv" with the columns User Name,Permission Name,Account Name,Application…
  • Restrict "comments" field during reviews

    Is there a way to restrict the comments field during a review? For instance define 3 options for comments only instead of an open text field and allow the user to choose one from these 3? Or maybe load a default value so that the user already has a sample…
  • login IG error

    Hello everyone, I have an error that I have not managed to solve, when I log in with any user including the igadmin, it says that error when authenticating.
  • Question about Upgrading to IG 3.7.3

    Hi, I am currently having a IG 3.7 in Production. I am planning ro upgrade to 3.7.3. There is a Component Upgrade Script to compare and update the Tomcat, Java and ActiveMQ components which are fine. However, in the IG 3.7.3 software, there is only…
  • Weird or Wrong AD Permission Collection

    Hi, I am running a fresh installed Identity Governance 3.7 I had also configured the AD Account Collector (3.6.2) and Permission Collector. The AD Permission is using the default "Collect Permission", change the Permission-User Mapping to Account…
  • localized decisions in governance database

    Hello We have localized our governance module (to Danish). We are wondering if there is a way to make governance write the localized review decisions in the database, so when we run a report we get a localized reviewer_action in our reports. As it is…
  • IG 3.0.0 & 3.5.1 - Error calling URL status code -1

    Hello everyone. One of our customers in Colombia is receiving this error mesaages on its IG 3.0.0 console in almost every menu option of the web interface. However the functionality of the service is not affected (the customer can check users and accounts…
  • IG 3.0 - Permissiones required for SAP Account collector

    Hello everyone. I am working with a customer here in Colombia, and they have IG 3.0 installed with a SAP Accounts collector. For the continuous collection process, they use an "admin" acccount with some big privileges, and they are asking if there is…