IG 4.3.1 interface customization issues

IG 4.3.1 running on SLES 15.5

How do you customize the UI elements ? there is a page on it here:


However, the important step is written like this:

     "6. Edit the custom.css file to include your branding and other custom style settings that you want Identity Governance to use."

Which, while factual, does not give an assistance to the people who aren't HTML devs on top of IDM engineers. 

Is there a web article, TID, or something else someone has that can explain this process for the non webdev's in the house?  (looking for something like  's missing manual for IDM ) 

I'd rather not go hacking thru the exploded war files looking for the elements in the several dozen css files in the product to change the default colors and the heading graphic and text. 

In summary, is there an easy button somewhere?

  • Suggested Answer



    1) Here is an example of css to change the color in the Header to green:

    background: green repeat scroll 0 0;

    2) Your main tool is the Developer Tools in your Browser.  You can change the css settings in the that tab, view it and then copy the change into the custom.css file
    *As outlined, in the documentation once you create the file and restart Tomat the changes are seen when you save the file and refresh the browser.

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    I am also struggling with this. I have figured out how to replace the opentext logo with our company logo. Use below in custom.css.

    .brandingImage {
    background: url() no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    width: 100px;
    min-height: 50px;
    min-width: 200px;

    You must encode the .png image (it must be a png image) of you logo in base64 and  put the base64 string in the place of the XXXXXXX. You may need to play with the width and min-height numbers to get the logo to display properly.

    I have also been able to change the product name on the login dialog - that is done during installation.

    I am now trying to replace the "Identity Covernance CE 24.3" text on the main ui. According to the install guide in section 11.1: 

    "You can also change the product name in the user interface. For more information about customizing the product name and header using the user interface, see Customizing and Configuring Identity Governance for Your Enterprise in the NetIQ Identity Governance Administration and User Guide.". 

    Clicking on the above link takes you to a page that describes how to change a lot of settings, except how to change the product name.Disappointed

    Using configutil to change the name does absolutely nothing.

    Does anyone know if it is possible in 24.3 to change the product name on the main page  and if it is possible, can you tell me how to do it.


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    Hello Gogga,
       Please create a new thread related to the specific question/behavior you are looking for help with.

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    Hello Gogga,

       The comment about the image in the Header is not correct.  The image should be put in the netiq_custom_css folder (same location as the custom.css) and then you would reference it like this:

    .brandingImage {
    background: url("images/myLogo.svg") no-repeat;
    background-size: 200px auto;
    width: 200px;
    height: 35px;

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    Hi Steve

    Both methods seem to work. I was not sure where to put the image, so encoding it in the custom.css file was the safe way. 


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    Hello Steven,

    Please note that i did the same as you requested above, i created a directory and a CSS file under it
    i also added the code from the browser tab and paste it under CSS file
    i tried very simple code as above to change the color at first 
    but the IGA application is not changing even after refreshing the browser, i also tried to restart tomcat but same issue

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    Hello Georges,
      Your post should be created as a new thread.

    1) What operating system is Identity Governance installed on?

    2) Did you create the environment with the Sample Helper scripts?

    3) How was tomcat started and who is it running as?

    4) What is the exact location and name of the folder?
    NOTE: Case matters

    5) What is the exact name of the css file?
    NOTE: Case matters

    6) What is the exact css code?

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    Hello Steven,

    1) What operating system is Identity Governance installed on?

    REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"

    2) Did you create the environment with the Sample Helper scripts?

    No, i installed Identity Governance CE 24.3 using the pre-requisites for IGA (tomcat, java) as per the documentation then i installed OSP & IGA

    3) How was tomcat started and who is it running as?

    under the bin directory in /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/bin i started tomcat using "./catalina.sh start" command 

    4) What is the exact location and name of the folder?
    NOTE: Case matters

    I created the netiq_custom_css directory under /opt/netiq/idm/apps/novlua/ path as per the documentation

    directory name: as per the documentation: "netiq_custom_css"

    5) What is the exact name of the css file?
    NOTE: Case matters

    css file name is same as per the documentation:   "custom.css"

    6) What is the exact css code?

    background: green repeat scroll 0 0;


    .ias-app-bar {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    height: 50px;
    color: #fff;
    font-weight: 500;
    padding-right: 5px;
    z-index: 1000;
    background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(25,34,74,1) 0%, rgba(34,46,97,1) 25%, rgba(35,52,106,1) 65%, rgba(20,102,147,1) 90%, rgba(8,140,178,1) 100%);

    .ias-heading[_ngcontent-ng-c385079700] {
    margin-left: 8px;
    font-size: 24px;
    height: 45px;
    line-height: 5px;

    .cloudEdition[_ngcontent-ng-c385079700] {
    font-size: 0px;


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    Hello Georges,

    1) Who are you logged in as when you started Tomcat manually?  If you were not novlua then that will be a factor

    2) What is the home directory set to for the user you are logged in as? If heir home directory is not set to 
     /opt/netiq/idm/apps/novlua/  the file will not be picked up.  

    NOTE: It is Best Practice to utilize the Sample Install and Upgrade Scripts from the Additional Resources section from the Identity Governance documentation page.

    3) What mode is SELinux on this RHEL server?  If it is not passive then that will be a factor as it will block reading the file.

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    1) logged in with novlua and started tomcat as novlua (all files under tomcat novlua as owner)
    2) home directory is already novlua 
    3) selinux is disabled