Identity goverence

Hi , 

When we try to login to Identity goverence ,we are authenticated and logged in, but does not have access to the Identity Governance application. 

Below is the error message we are getting 

we are getting this issue in the production environment while the QA environment connected to the same edirectory is working fine

There is just the above statement coming up in the logs and nothing else

We have tried failing the DB and getting connected to the backup db yet the issue persist. 

Please assist 


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    You should ask this in the ID Goverance section for better luck in getting an answer.

    However, what is most likely is if this is a new IGA setup you need to login as the bootstrap user (whose name is held in a file in the file system) set up the LDAP cionnectons.  They assign permissions to some LDAP users.  Then you switch over to using LDAP for logins and now when you auth (as you did above) you have permissions to do something in IGA.

  • 0  

    You should ask this in the ID Goverance section for better luck in getting an answer.

    However, what is most likely is if this is a new IGA setup you need to login as the bootstrap user (whose name is held in a file in the file system) set up the LDAP cionnectons.  They assign permissions to some LDAP users.  Then you switch over to using LDAP for logins and now when you auth (as you did above) you have permissions to do something in IGA.
