Cannot disable archive IGA 4.2


Just installed IGA 4.2 - Brand new - Did one initial identity collection and publishing

I have tested the connection to the archive db - it said OK.

I tried enable archive, and got this errror in the error column

Error occurred dropping view suser_all_v: ERROR: cannot drop view suser_all_v because other objects depend on it Detail: view role_users_assigned_v depends on view suser_all_v Hint: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too..

Then I tried to disable archive, and got (the same error):

Error occurred dropping view suser_all_v: ERROR: cannot drop view suser_all_v because other objects depend on it Detail: view role_users_assigned_v depends on view suser_all_v Hint: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too..

Now, when I try do maintenance, I get errors like "Cannot start maintenance. Must be in NORMAL execution mode to start maintenance, and must NOT be in the middle of disabling or enabling archiving."

What can be the problem?

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    1) Did you define an archive destination?

    2.a) If yes, what database are your pointing to?
    2.b) If no, what did you set?

    3) What database type are using (MS SQL, Oracle, Postgres)?

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for asking.

    First of all, since this was a brand new install, and I had a snapshot, I reverted and tried again. Then it worked.

    I have no idea what the difference could be.

    But that aside

    1) Yes - I defined a new archive DB

    2) Postgres 15 (installed via SLES15 repos) - I made a new archive DB

    3) I think the question is answered in 3).

    But another question, since it got stuck. It would be nice to know how one can get it unstuck again. There might be scenarios where we cannot just revert the entire system, db and all.

    Is there a way to do that?