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Configuring a Biometric Device to Enable NMAS Authentication for Novell eDirectory


The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on configuring biometric device as NMAS authentication method with Novell eDirectory. This article provides a step by step method to configure Fujitsu Biometric based Authentication to authenticate with eDirectory. This document is written considering eDirectory server on Linux and fingerprint scanner configured on Windows-xp, for other supported version and their minimum requirements please refer to Fujitsu documentation.


Linux server:

  1. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 or later.
  • Novell eDirectory 8.8 or later. Administrative rights for all portions of the NDS tree

Windows client:

  1. Operating System:

    Windows XP or Windows 2000 SP4
  • Novell Client version
    Novell Client for Windows v4.91 SP2 or later
  • Console 1 version.
    ConsoleOne v1.3.6 or later,full NMAS Snapins for ConsoleOne
  • Hardware:
    Available USB port for Biometrics sensors peripherals
    200 MHz or faster processor with minimum 128 MB RAM (256 recommended)


  1. Configuring the Client

I. Configuring the Client

Step 1: Installing "NMAS Administrator"

  1. On the Client machine,browse into the "nmasAdmin" folder and run "setup.exe".
  • Follow the install Shield wizard step .
  • Click Finish When done.

123id biometric Driver Wizard will launch automatically next, GO TO STEP 2

Step 2: 123ID Biometric Driver Wizard

The Wizard will help the user to install and enable the biometric sensors of choice

  1. Follow the Wizard general directions and install all the sensors necessary for your system, this is very important before running Fujitsu eDirectory LOGIN CLIENT.

    Click to view.

  • Click Next, then select you scanner of choice (See Administrators guide for a full detail list of sensors compatible with 123ID NMAS Login Client)
  • Follow all of the prompts necessary for installing the sensor drivers
  • Now you are ready to select a Default scanner GO TO STEP 3

Step 3: Select Default Scanner

  1. Select a sensor you installed from the list provided, then click Next

    Click to view.

  • Follow the Biometric device wizard until you see the Plug in your fingerprint sensors now message

    Click to view.

Step 4: Finish Software setup

Click to view.

Step 5: Installing Biometric NMAS Client

  1. Go to the folder "nmasClient" and run "setup.exe."

    Click to view.

  • Click next to begin installation.

    Click to view.

  • Run though the installation wizard and restart the m/c when prompted.

Now the machine is ready with all the client installation need for a user to enroll with finger print.

II. Configuring eDirectory Server

Ensure Novell client is installed on the client M/C and you are logged in to the eDirectory with Administrative privileges.

Step 1: Installing NMAS Login method on server using Console one.

  1. On client workstation ,launch console one. Under console one, Right-click on Authorized Login Methods and select New > Object

    Click to view.

  • Select NMAS Login Method.

    Click to view.

  • Go ahead and browse the Configuration file for the 123ID NMAS Login located on path: C:\Novell\123ID NMAS Admin\123ID Login Method\Config.txt

    Click to view.

  • Accept the License Agreement and Proceed by clicking Accept.

    Click to view.

  • Choose the Default and click Next.

    Click to view.

  • Choose "Login server method Linux".As server used is Linux. Use may opt for other option depending on server operating System.

    Click to view.

  • Click Finish.

    Click to view.

You have now Successfully added Server login method to Novell eDirectory.

Step 2: Installing NMAS Post Login Method on server using Console one.

  1. Under console one, Right-click on Authorized Post Login Methods and select New > Object

    Click to view.

  • Select NMAS Login Method.

    Click to view.

  • Go ahead and browse the Configuration file for the 123ID NMAS postLogin located on path: C:\Novell\123ID NMAS Admin\123ID Post Login Method\Config.txt

    Click to view.

  • Follow all the default prompts as above and Click Finish. This will install Post-login method to the eDirectory.

III. Enrolling User's Fingerprint

There are two methods that can be used to enroll a user’s fingerprints.

  1. The first is by using the MMG enrollment; you can get to this fingerprint enrollment
    by following the path:

    Start - All Programs - 123ID, Inc. - 123ID NMAS Admin- Fingerprint Enrollment

    This method requires that you manually enter the IP Address for the eDirectory,
    Administrator information along with the Admin password, and information for the user being enrolled. More information is available in the help document.
  • The second method of enrollment is a post login method that is selected from the
    Sequence drop down menu for Novell Login.

Create a new sequence using iManager or Console one, with an NMAS login method (NDS or Proximity card) and 123ID Post login method,name it as “enroll_user”.

To access this method; right click on the “N” in the system tray and select “Novell
Login”, enter in your Username, then hit the “Advanced” button. Select the NMAS tab and click on the Sequences button. You will be required to enter the password for the user account before being allowed to enroll the user’s fingers.



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