• How to Backup eDirectory 8.8 SP6 Properly and do the restore?

    Hello: My eDirectory 8.8 SP6 Servers went "up in the magic purple smoke", but thankfully I had recent backups (Boy was I wrong). I have noted the following backup and restore process but something clearly seems to not be working (as in restore fails…
  • Cannot Install eDirectory 8.8 SP6 On Windows Server 2003 After HDD Issue

    Hello Everyone: I am trying to recover from an issue where my external hard drive that contains all my virtual machines including my eDirectory Servers. I migrated all VMs over to a different HDD. The main eDir server made the transfer successfully…
  • eDirectory 8.8 on Windows Client Not finding trees

    Hello Community: I have a very odd setup involving Windows Server 2003 and eDirectory 8.8 as follows: 0. I'm in a lab trying to emulate something I saw at a school district once. The lab is structured like this: Virtual network 0: backbone (only…