Resetting Inherited Rights Filter in eDirectory

Hi there,

I was testing the Inherited Rights Filter in a LAB environment using Identity Console, because I wanted to restrict the access that users have by default to the AppConfig object inside the User Application Driver; this way, not all users would be able to see all roles, resources or workflows anymore, unless they're especifically set to be able to do so.

However, when testing the Inherited Rights Filter configuration, I deselected all types of access to this object (including supervisor rights), and after that, no single user could actually see the AppConfig, not even with the system admin account. I thought there would be a security feature that would prevent from blocking the system in Identity Console (I was told now that iManager has such feature). This means that I cannot revert the IRF settings to how they were before (removing the IRF to the AppConfig object) because this object cannot be seen at all.

Luckily, this was a LAB environment so I could revert back to a previous snapshot of the VM. But I would like to know if there is anything that could be done to fix this problem. I have been told that there is a special tool to reset admin rights, is this true? Could anybody help with this? Is there any way to remove all IRF settings from eDirectory?

Thanks and kind regards,

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Carlos!

    Probably everybody playing with IRF at some point locked himself out of part of eDirectory, so this is common practice while testing IRF.Sweat smile IRF is very powerful tool, but also dangerous.

    But as far as I know, you can open SR with Opentext support and they will help you fix it.

    Kind regards,


    Kind regards,


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  • Verified Answer


    Hi Carlos!

    Probably everybody playing with IRF at some point locked himself out of part of eDirectory, so this is common practice while testing IRF.Sweat smile IRF is very powerful tool, but also dangerous.

    But as far as I know, you can open SR with Opentext support and they will help you fix it.

    Kind regards,


    Kind regards,


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