Cannot Install eDirectory 8.8 SP6 On Windows Server 2003 After HDD Issue

Hello Everyone:

I am trying to recover from an issue where my external hard drive that contains all my virtual machines including my eDirectory Servers.  I migrated all VMs over to a different HDD.  The main eDir server made the transfer successfully but the 2nd eDir server did not transfer so a rebuild was done (same machine name (melody-edir2.winx-cesd-us.lan) same private IP ( the only difference is this is a new machine.  Prior to attempting to run the installation on the new machine all references to melody-edir2 were removed from eDirectory from ConsoleOne.  Once the installation was attempted, it failed with the following error and information in the log.  No amount of rebuilding the second VM, manually removing any files that are remated to the botched installation, or removing the identified objects from eDir on the surviving machine seems to be able to fix it.

Fatal Error When Installing eDir in a second server

the error that is at the end of the log cited is as follows:

Fatal: The eDirectory installation has terminated abnormally. 
Fatal: com.novell.application.install.util.InstallException: The eDirectory installation has terminated abnormally.
	at com.novell.application.install.ndsnt.DSInstall.applySettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.InstallNode.spApplySettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
	at com.novell.application.install.Driver.mainHallway(
	at com.novell.application.install.WizardFrame.serviceOnNext(

Here's the setup:

  • OS: Windows Server 2003 R2
  • eDir Version: 8.8 SP6
  • Is Logged In to eDir at Install Time: Yes (as Admin)

If anyone has any thoughts on how to fix this without needing to completely rebuild my entire eDir environment that would be wonderful.


Carly G. Fleischmann


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