What do You Use to Backup eDirectory

eDir - 9.2.8  SLES 15 sp5

I have been using Brad Bartholomew's ndsbackup.sh for several years.  I have now found it will not work with eDir 9.2.8 on SLES 15.  Too many errors I am not able to resolve.

Any recommendations to backup eDir 9.2.8 on SLES 15 sp5.

Thank you.

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    I have a very simple script that I use.  I don't remember where I got it.

    source /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndspath
    DAYNAME=$(date +"%A")
    /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/dsbk backup -f /media/nss/VolumeName/edirbak/${DAYNAME}/edir.dib -l /media/nss/VolumeName/edirbak/edir.log -w -t -e novell

    For the above to work, you just need to edit "VolumeName" and then create the folder "edirbak" on that volume (or change the entire path to the folder of your choice).  Under edirbak, create seven folders matching the days of the week.  Schedule it to run daily.  It will overwrite previous backups.  But this way you always have seven versions (more if you backup this folder elsewhere).  I use the above on OES.  I've never run eDirectory on SLES outside of OES, but assuming the same files exist on your install, it should work.

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    Oops, getting somewhere.  I get this error when I run the script.  Scripts are not my strongest skill.  Where you have -e novell what do I substitute for my environment.

    Command line   backup -f /edirbak/Thursday/edir.dib -l /edirbak/edir.log -w -t -e XXXXXX
    Processing command line
    Error!: -2
    Unable to open log file!
    Completion time 00:00:00
    1 Error!
    DSBK error! -2

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    You'll need a tempfile. Create a file named /etc/dsbk.conf, open it and just enter the name of the desired tempfile, let's say


    Save /etc/dsbk.conf and issue

    touch /edirbak/dsbk.tmp

    Then run your command again.

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