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How does iManager chose which LDAP servers to use?

aka "Why is iManager trying to bind to THAT server?"

For iManager logging set to all errors
# grep bind /var/opt/novell/iManager/nps/WEB-INF/logs/debug.html

shows soo many fails, because those aren't servers it should be talking to (such as old problem servers we are trying to retire)

including it trying to bind to the tree name.  I didn't think I had to work those into the certs.

Including digging into other systems at other clients, I still haven't seen a successful bind.

KM000015076 pointed me this way, and I have yet to see a difference on this level between Universal Password setting working or not.

But now that I find another thing that has certain expectations of cert and LDAP details, I want to know more.


Andy of in Toronto
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