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Announcing File Dynamics 6.2


An expanded emphasis on data growth, automation, compliance, security, and protection are all contributing to evolving requirements for data management. To meet the dynamic demands of today’s organizations, Micro Focus offers File Dynamics, an identity- and target-driven policy approach to today’s network data management challenges.

With File Dynamics, you have the means to not only automate the provisioning, day-to-day management, archiving, and disposal of user and group network storage, but to manage all other unstructured data on the network. Additionally, File Dynamics provides the means to secure data through remediation and notification as well as protect data through point-in-time data recovery.

New to File Dynamics 6.2:

  • Storage Resources Scoping. The Storage Resources panel in the Admin Client now contains an interface for the configuration of Storage Resource scoping. Providing a scope for Storage Resources can greatly improve the time to discover and rebuild the Storage Resources database.
  • Client-based Directory Services and File System Access. All navigation and listing of Active Directory and live file system entries in the Admin Client are now performed directly by the Admin Client, using the logged-on user’s credentials. Prior versions of the client redirected these requests through the Engine, using the user’s authenticated credentials.


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