Identity management is not just a critical component of cybersecurity; it is the cornerstone of business enablement and enterprise agility. Gartner Identity and Access Management Summit 2024 is the premier conference to help IAM and security leaders tasked…
read more at brighttalk
Data Privacy and CIAM: Completing Your Identity Stack
Tell your followers about our new IAM webinar on Sept 21 that shows how enterprises can include user context as part of their Customer Identity and Access Management…
read more at darkreading
The Power of Context in an Identity-Powered Era
Read how Ramsés Gallego, International CTO, CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, breaks down how IAM deserves a new angle, an identity-powered approach to ensure…
Despite having 20k employees worldwide, Arcor managed its system identities largely manually, paying a cost in time and security. To automate account management, Arcor chose two Micro Focus CyberRes NetIQ solutions , Access Manager and Privileged Account…
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Server Administrator in the Government Sector gives Micro Focus NetIQ Identity Manager ★★★★★ on Gartner Peer Insights
Read this Gartner Peer Insights verified review of Micro Focus NetIQ Identity Manager in the Identity…
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Team Lead - Identity & Access Mgt. in the Healthcare Industry gives Micro Focus NetIQ Identity Manager ★★★★★'s on Gartner Peer Insights
Read this Gartner Peer Insights verified review of Micro Focus NetIQ Identity…
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Human error cut with introduction of Micro Focus Identity & Access Management solutions at DX Labs' banking client
Now that user provisioning, updating, & termination is all automated in a seamless workflow at…
Webinar: Adding Intelligence to Adaptive Access
With so much sensitive information being consumed by remote users, most organizations have some level of an access control strategy in place. Setting access control right is very hard and often results…
Haier Group significantly streamline identity management with Micro Focus
For businesses with large numbers of employees, where people are constantly joining, leaving and moving within the organization, it can often prove difficult to control who has…
Santos looks to further optimise its identity platform
Cuts onboarding time for new workers!
Energy producer Santos deployed NetIQ as its identity and access management system to cut the time needed to onboard new staff and contractors, and to revoke…
Authentifizierung neu gedacht: Das Zero Trust-Konzept
Lernen Sie im Webinar am 28. Juli von unseren Experten, was Zero Trust bedeutet und wie Sie Ihre eigene Zero Trust-Initiative starten können! Jetzt kostenfrei registrieren!
Insync Solutions uses Micro Focus in EdPass project
South Australian-based Insync Solutions has used Micro Focus in providing an identity management solution for the South Australian Department of Education’s EdPass project.
Micro Focus will be used…
Authentifizierung neu gedacht: Das Zero Trust-Konzept
Viele Sicherheitsverletzungen haben eines gemeinsam: Fast immer sind Endanwender darin involviert - als Angriffsziel, Verursacher oder sonstig damit verbundene Partei. Für Unternehmen ist es folglich…
Recent research reminds us that managing unique passwords is hard. For sure, you’re more than capable of doing it, but for the vast majority of “normal” users, it’s basically impossible.
Perhaps the future is passwordless. Read this Security Blogwatch…
Zero Trust: Rethinking Security | Micro Focus
There is a lot to consider when building a zero-trust framework. In this white paper, we look at zero trust from an identity and access management perspective and its contribution to the zero trust security…
Webinar: Conquering the Authentication Challenge of Zero Trust
As an organization's hybrid-cloud environment continues to expand far and wide beyond their control, the need for a zero-trust model is becoming mandatory.
In this webinar, Andras Cser…
Please find presentation of the November 7 meeting attached.
Below is a link to the recording
mitigating_risk_through_identity_to_govern_access_to_unstructured_data_flyer.pdf Tech Focus_IGA…
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ÖBB setzen beim Identity & Access Management auf Micro Focus |
Die Österreichischen Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) arbeiten in Zukunft mit Micro Focus zusammen, um die Daten und Identitäten ihrer Mitarbeiter zu schützen.
read more at infopoint-security
Automatisiertes IAM von Micro Focus liefert entscheidende Vorteile
Der ROI ist enorm, denn Unternehmen investieren dabei nicht nur in ihre IT-Security, sondern auch in die Effizienz und Zufriedenheit ihrer…