IDM 4.9 released

Looks like it is out!  Available in SLD as a new item in the third row as 4.9

List of featues I heard are:

  • Support for "Microsoft Modern Authentication" - Introduces support for OAuth2 authentication specifically tailored for email accounts within Office 365.
  • Cumulative Full Installer
  • Form Renderer Updates - Revamped form renderer with updated libraries for flexible data entry.
  • ACDI – Monitoring ( Audit, Compliance and Data Intelligence ) 
  • User application Monitoring Improvements - Real-time insights via CN = Monitor for improved user application monitoring.
  • IDM Containers (OT UBI, AWS, Azure)
  • Azure AD Driver performance and scalability

Seems like some interesting changes.

I see the DTD for DirXML Script got updated with two new lines:

Changes in 4.9

Rats, do I need to update my book again?  :)  I think I will wait for some bigger changes before making a new edition.

What else have you guys found new in 4.9?

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    - Catalina logs are not rolling on Windows platform.

    This is a defect that I don't believe ever will be properly resolved. 

    The problem is with underlying open source utility that OpenText relies on. There has been bugs open for this for a long time IIRC. The latest one I could find is:

    Historically, it seems that each time a bug is raised, it is eventually closed as as a duplicate of another bug.

    It almost seems to be an unsolvable problem, at least as long as apache developers continue to view the problem in the way they currently do.

    Microsoft would prefer that applications log to the windows event log rather than discrete files. Maybe that might be a more useful avenue to explore.

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    100% signed!

    Every update with the product leads to new challenges. Things that were working are getting worse.
    Many other issues (mail dispatch from workflow, bugs in the silent installer script,form builder: destroyed action button events and DAL queries, hardcoded dependencies to the internet,...)

    @ Product Management: You should urgently work on your quality assurance of the next release. We have the impression that Customers and partners are being used as beta testers, this is unacceptable.