Unable to start external provisioning workflow 'IAG Fulfillment'. Please check you external RBPM system for details


I have a external workflow for fulfillment, but in call rest with parameters (default) return 0 in the totalSearch, and in the IGA return error "Unable to start external provisioning workflow 'IAG Fulfillment'. Please check you external RBPM system for details". Could you help-me pls.

my call rest



[INFO] 2023-11-17 18:38:26.993 [com.microfocus.audit.serverlog.ServerLogAuditLogger] CEF:0|Micro Focus|Identity Governance|2022.4 - 3.7.3|2207|Query Data Item Contents|5|act=XDAS_AE_QUERY_DATA_ITEM_CONTENTS app=HTTP/1.1 art=2023-11-17T21:38:24.767Z cat=XDAS_AE_INVOKE_SERVICE cs3={"changesetId":4,"link":"/api/provisioning/changeset/4","status":"PENDING","startDate":1698349853164,"processId":"-1","totalSearch":0} cs3Label=HTTP Servlet Response cs6=i4TDcYWREe6NpQBQVoEf0Q cs6Label=AuthTrackingId destinationDnsDomain=iga.unitario.teste.bradesco.com.br destinationServiceName=com.netiq.iac.server.rest.ProvisioningRestService.getChangeset(4, 5, EXTERNAL, null, null, null, null, cn\=IAG Fulfillment,cn\=RequestDefs,cn\=AppConfig,cn\=UserApplication, change_request_item, true, 0, 100, null, true, true, HttpServletRequest) deviceFacility=13 dhost=hostiga dmac=00-50-56-81-1F-D1 dpid=58712 dpt=8443 dst= dtz=America/Sao_Paulo end=2023-11-17T21:38:26.993Z externalId=6fbfc484-e185-4fb1-9df5-d2a042aecd33 flexString1=GroupIds: [] Roles: [RT_ROLE_USER, RT_SODO, ADM, RT_CIF, RT_ACF] flexString1Label=Source User Privileges in=-1 msg=iag - IAG WF Proxy retrieved the changeset associated with the changeset id outcome=200 OK: the request has succeeded request=hostiga:8443/.../4

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    Hi Edimar,

    As it looks like you are trying to run an IDM/RBPM workflow: There is an example available in IG that you can download and then deploy in IDM that provides details on how to integrate IG/IDM for workflow fulfilment.

    Here is a screenshot from IG 3.7.x where you can find it...

    It's usually best to get this example up and running and then implement your custom logic in a similar way.


  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi Philipp,

    I tried but not work for me, return total Search zero, and not appear. In IG return same error.


    "Unable to start external provisioning workflow 'IAG Fulfillment'. Please check you external RBPM system for details"

  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi Philipp,

    I tried but not work for me, return total Search zero, and not appear. In IG return same error.


    "Unable to start external provisioning workflow 'IAG Fulfillment'. Please check you external RBPM system for details"

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