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Fortify on Demand Digital Learning

Fortify on Demand (FoD)

Course New: Fortify on Demand SAST DevSecOps: This course follows the workflow of application development for a DevOps team to address application issues discovered by Fortify's security focused insight. This course helps the 'user' run FoD in their DevOps pipelines to include Security early in the SDLC. The focus is around providing simple steps to run Fortify scans in FoD as part of your CI / CD pipelines. This course will showcase FoD DevSecOps integrations with Command-Line and API scripts, plus Azure and Jenkins native plugins, and finally, GitHub and GitLab runners. Audio Loudspeaker is included Slight smile

Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand DAST – An Introduction: As a tester that uses FoD, in this course, you will learn how to perform DAST scans from the web interface, how to interpret DAST scan results, how to use FoD to help you determine which issues need addressing, how to get guidance on fixing issues, how to create reports and how to create dashboards, etc. Audio Sound  is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's. 

Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand (FoD) Administration: As an administrator of your FoD tenant, in this course, you will learn how to ensure that the tenant has been set up to best fit your needs, that you understand how to administer the tenant and importantly that security policies are in place. This will help you ensure that the various teams in your organization using FoD are able to use it effectively. Audio Loud sound is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's.

Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand (FoD) SAST – an Introduction for Developers: This course follows the application development workflow for a DevOps team to address issues discovered by Fortify. It helps the user run FoD to include Security early in the SDLC. The focus is around providing simple steps to run and analyze Fortify scans in FoD and showcase the ease of use for scanning statically. Audio Loud sound is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's.