• DAST 23.2 IncompatibleOperatingSystem Kubernetes Install

    I am trying to initialize DAST in a Kubernetes Cluster All my Cluster VMs are Rhel9 Stigged My Kubernetes is Rancher RKE 2 I am using fluxCD to handle pulling my Helm configurations from gitops repositories I have a LIM server on a Windows Server…
  • Error deploying to Kubernetes cluster - Caused by: com.fortify.ssc.init.SeedingException: Unable to seed all init seed bundles.

    Summary SSC initial configuration was unable to complete. Seed failed with the following error: Product Fortify SSC Environment SSC: fortifydocker/ssc-webapp: MySQL: docker.io/bitnami/mysql:8.0.33-debian-11-r12 Helm Chart Values…
  • ScanCentral DAST Kubernetes - Certificate path is invalid

    Hi, I have deployed ScanCentral DAST on Kubernetes, however to complete the installation I need it to use a certificate. In the values.yaml I used the existingCertificateModel parameter and defined the path, which is: /app/certs/tls.crt. Unfortunately…
  • ScanCentral DAST Deployment on Kubernetes

    Are there any additional materials on how to deploy ScanCentral DAST on Kubernetes? The documentation is very vague and doesn't explain it step-by-step.
  • Installing SSC on Kubernetes without HTTPS

    Hi, How can I install SSC on Kubernetes without https conf? I want to use external load balancer to configure https.