What are the settings that can be defined in the vsix.properties file

What are the settings that can be defined in the vsix.properties file, that sits in the C:\Users\Public\Fortify\{Fortify Version Number}\VS{Visual Studio Version Number}  directory?

The only one I see is:

Fortify.InstallDir=C:/Program Files/Fortify/Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_{Fortify Version Number}

Are there other settings that can be defined in there.  The main reason I am asking, is that I want to change the settings for the Results File.  The documentation says you can change the settings for Fortify Scans, by setting the com.fortify.sca.ResultsFile value to the desired destination, and file name, in the fortify-sca.properties file.  But I believe this is only for the command-line run of the Fortify Scan.  I am using the Visual Studio Program Analyzer Extension, and, when I run the Analyzer, the program creates the FPR file as C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Fortify\VS{Visual Studio Verision Number}\{Solution/Project Name}\Scan-{Solution/Project Name}.fpr

Can this be modified, so that the Scan FPR file can be built/rebuilt in a different directory, for the Visual Studio Program Analyzer Extension, that is run form Visual Studio?


Matthew Dewell