How to cleanup WebInspect database for the top tables consuming large amount of storage

We're experiencing storage used-up-issue for the MS SQL Server (used by WebInspect). Currently, the top tables which consume most of the storage are:

"Session", "SessionComplationID" and "ScanStatistics"

Is it possible we can have a SQL statement to delete the old records (like older than one month) from those tables?


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    No, it is safest to delete the Scans from the WebInspect GUI (or with its CLI or relevant API endpoints).  This will ensure it removes all of the related data in all the Tables it was written to.  If you manually strip down Tables, you will likely orphan or break linked Tables elsewhere.  You cannot delete part of a scan in WebInspect.

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    No, it is safest to delete the Scans from the WebInspect GUI (or with its CLI or relevant API endpoints).  This will ensure it removes all of the related data in all the Tables it was written to.  If you manually strip down Tables, you will likely orphan or break linked Tables elsewhere.  You cannot delete part of a scan in WebInspect.

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