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Is there a way to generate the reports in xml format?

Is there a way to generate the reports in xml format?
  • 0

    Hi van,

    The Fortify SSC portal/website has report output formats of XLS, DOC and PDF.

    The Audit Workbench client has report output formats of XLS , DOC,HTML and PDF.

    It does not appear that XML is currently a native option, there is an API which you could query to get data programmatically and do whatever you wish with it.





  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi Vice,

                 Thank you for the update. Is the xml format of reports not available in both trial and commercial versions? And what is the API to query data for xml report?  I need the report in xml format. Kindly suggest.


  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi Vice,

                 Thank you for the update. Is the xml format of reports not available in both trial and commercial versions? And what is the API to query data for xml report?  I need the report in xml format. Kindly suggest.

