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determine edir object creation time


What is the reliable way to determine edir object creation time?

  • createTimeStamp -> gets updated when object is moved (verified via LDAP)
  • query:readObject($srcQueryProcessor, '', $dn, 'User', 'creatorsName')/attr[@attr-name='creatorsName']/value/@timestamp -> gets updated when object is moved (verified via IDM)
  • any attribute (verified in iMonitor) gets a new timestamp as well when object is moved

 verified in:

Product Version: eDirectory for Linux x86_64 v9.2.4 [DS] / Binary Version: 40205.00

on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5

(as I am not an edir sme, I might do something wrong)




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    A) Design the directory so you never need to move objects, instead update attributes on the objects. It will save you grief if you ever have replication issues.

    B) Use IDM to set a custom time attribute which indicates the creation time, e.g., idmCreateTimestamp. This will not be touched if you move the object.

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    A) Design the directory so you never need to move objects, instead update attributes on the objects. It will save you grief if you ever have replication issues.

    B) Use IDM to set a custom time attribute which indicates the creation time, e.g., idmCreateTimestamp. This will not be touched if you move the object.

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    Thanks, we may unfortunately not prevent moves A) from happening, and we already had in mind to address it with B), we were just wondering if there is a built-in possibility to determine object creation time.