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Edirectory replica between different sites


We have 3 edirectory server in 3 different sites as 3 production setup. All 3 setup installed in linux environment with different setup. We need to sync the data of master edirectory to other 2 edirectory inculding read & write permission.  So please guide me how can I proceed for adding replica server or provide some steps for this.

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    In Designer, add the new server to the Identity Vault Server List if you haven't already.

    Then in Designer go to the driver set, Server List and move the new server from Available Server to Selected Servers if you haven't already.

    Then in Designer, right click on a driver, Copy -> Copy Server-Specific Settings and select the current server where the driver is running as the Source and the select the new server as the target driver and target server.

    Select and copy the replica data.

    If you haven't deployed the drivers from the Designer project you are in you most probably won't have any credential information in Designer (named password, driver object password, application authentication password, remote loader password etc.) so you will probably need to set the passwords in Designer on the new server.

    Then deploy the driver.

    If it still doesn't start on the new server, you'll need to post a level 3 trace in the IDM forum that captures the startup attempt.