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Edirectory replica between different sites


We have 3 edirectory server in 3 different sites as 3 production setup. All 3 setup installed in linux environment with different setup. We need to sync the data of master edirectory to other 2 edirectory inculding read & write permission.  So please guide me how can I proceed for adding replica server or provide some steps for this.

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    Are the different sites in the same tree?

    Or does each site server have it own tree?

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    Hi Aleksandar,

    Currently we only have 1 edirectory in 1 site. but we are planning to setup the other 2 edirectory.

    Could you please suggest which approach should be more feasible?

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    Are you going to have a separate eDirectory tree in each site?

    If so, you will need to use IDM to synchronize the data between the trees.

    Or are you are thinking of just adding additional servers to the tree ?

    If so, make sure you have a fast stable network link between the eDir servers without NAT, install eDir on the new server, add it to the existing tree, add any replicas as necessary.

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    Or are you are thinking of just adding additional servers to the tree ?

    If so, make sure you have a fast stable network link between the eDir servers without NAT, install eDir on the new server, add it to the existing tree, add any replicas as necessary.

     All the 3 edirectory need be installed on 3 different sites where the subnet is different. so which approach is more suitable?

    3 different tree and sync between all 3 edirectory or add both server to existing tree & add replica.

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    Or are you are thinking of just adding additional servers to the tree ?

    If so, make sure you have a fast stable network link between the eDir servers without NAT, install eDir on the new server, add it to the existing tree, add any replicas as necessary.

     All the 3 edirectory need be installed on 3 different sites where the subnet is different. so which approach is more suitable?

    3 different tree and sync between all 3 edirectory or add both server to existing tree & add replica.

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    If the connection between sites is good and reliable, I would just add both servers to the existing tree and add replica.  It makes things simpler.  I have been running things this way across two sites for years without any trouble.