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File Dynamics 6.5 Now Available for Download

I am pleased to announce the latest release of File Dynamics. File Dynamics 6.5 offers significant product enhancements pertaining to securing the access to sensitive data stored on the network. These enhancements are provided through updated and new security policies.

File Dynamics includes the following enhancements:

  • Security Notification Policies: Enable network administrators and data owners to be notified of any changes in access permissions to network folders storing sensitive data – or what Micro Focus terms “high-value targets.”
  • Security Lockdown Policies: Allow network administrators to establish baseline permissions for a high-value target. When unauthorized access permissions are made, the new permissions are removed and the appropriate permissions are restored.
  • Security Fencing Policies: Lets administrators set governing limits on how access permissions may evolve over time. These limits may set restrictions involving areas of the organization or classes of objects that may gain access in the future.

You can download the product here.


File Dynamics