ArcSight SmartConnector (Connector) 8.X.X
On Linux environments, after running the executable "runagentsetup" for a particular Connector, the executable gets stuck in something similar to the below messages:
Assuming ARCSIGHT_HOME: /opt/arcsight/connectors/connector-01/current Assuming JAVA_HOME: /opt/arcsight/connectors/connector-01/current/jre ArcSight Agent Setup starting... Connector Setup Wizard starting in mode [CONSOLE] [Sun Nov 17 19:53:14 UTC 2024] [INFO ] Checking for a running instance of connector... [Sun Nov 17 19:53:15 UTC 2024] [INFO ] Starting up connector...
After some time, "runagentsetup" may display something like this:
FATAL EXCEPTION: Could not launch an instance of Connector [Sun Nov 17 20:06:26 UTC 2024] [ERROR] An instance of connector was launched, but communication was lost with it. [Sun Nov 17 20:06:26 UTC 2024] [ERROR] You may need to shut it down manually. [Sun Nov 17 20:06:26 UTC 2024] [INFO ] Shutting Down Agent Framework Version []
This issue may happen if the "cacerts" file got corrupted.
To confirm this run the following command:
<Connector_Install_Path>/current/jre/bin/keytool -list -keystore <Connector_Install_Path>/current/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass "changeit" 2> /dev/null
If the file is corrupted, the output of the above command may be similar to this:
keytool error: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unable to initialize, java.io.IOException: DerInputStr
See full knowledge document on support portal