Idea ID: 2880140

Do not stop selling the ArcSight Logger software

Status: New Idea

In order to meet the needs of the vast logging compliance market,

we hope that we will not stop selling Logger products just to increase revenue by selling Recon.

The Logger pure software market still has its advantages,

so it is strongly recommended to continue selling ArcSight Logger software.

  • At this point I am not really sure the opentext arcsight can even maintain the software. Every single patch breaks and breaks bad. just look at the RHEL upgrade. I do not have any faith in this product., 

  • Although I can understand your unspeakable secrets, I feel very sad about the decision to stop selling Logger.

  •  - Thank you for your thoughts.  I appreciate your evident passion for this topic, and I know it is a topic many people are passionate about.  I want to ensure you understand that we are not interested in phasing out Logger simply because we charge slightly more Recon.  By the time deals are made and discounts applied, the truth is they are mostly the same.  If that is THE reason you are under the impression is behind our decision, then I want you to know that is not the case.  We know Logger's historic reputation in the compliance and reporting marketplace.  However, its original use cases are insufficient to sustain the product in the long term.  Our main reasons for moving away from Logger over the next few years are technology sustainability-related and the issue of having two-like products in the market.  Unfortunately, our hands are tied, and this isn't the forum to go into all the details tying our hands.  If you want to private message me, I will gladly explain our decision fully.

  • ArcSight Logger在日誌記錄合規領域,仍有其國際品牌的優勢,不應該停售。如果改用Recon替代Logger,先不管Recon軟體授權價格高於Logger,除了提高非常多的硬體成本(無論是Appliance或是可能自建K8s平台)之外,更會讓競爭品牌趁勢取代ArcSight Logger現有的廣大客戶,一旦Logger用戶被競爭品牌取代,更不用談ESM、SOAR、Intelligence的擴展機會。