• Syslog header - custom parsing

    Has anyone here encountered the possibility of custom parsing the syslog header? Would you advise me how to do it? One source is sending me syslog messages with the wrong header (changing the order of timestamp and hostname), so I would like to parse…
  • Using syslog-ng to work around syslog connector lack of RFC5424 support

    We have many log sources in the client's network that send syslog in RFC5424 format (which obsoleted RFC3164 in 2009). The current version of the syslog SmartConnector only supports RFC3164, and while there is a feature-request for RFC5424 support, God…
  • [Syslog connector] flex subagent - problem with syslog header

    Dear All, I am writing a custom parser for the logs from a device, that are sent to the connector thorugh syslog UDP. The process is quite simple, write the parser that just fix the message sent through syslog, this is a sample from the raw event: <190…