• Fusion Integrating ESM Data and Users

  • ArcSight Platform - FUSION Users

    Hello ppl! How do I delete users from Fusion? It does not want to disable or remove their roles. I want to delete them - all of them. I know it's possible, I did this a few years ago but I don't remember, unfortunately -- Or delete a certain pods or…
  • Default passwords of ArcSight Platform keytool stores

    Hi folks, I set up a Platform 22.1 standalone instance. Now I wanted to integrate our ESM 7.6 into it as mentioned in [1]. I tried to import our root CA certificate into the Fusion User Management TrustStore as described in [2]. The command in Step…
  • fusion/recon reporting with dynamic time range

    Hello all! I would like to ask how can i specify dynamic time range for my scheduled recon reports. If i want to schedule daily reports on $yesterday's events (00:00:00-23:59:59) how am i supposed to configure it? Each time it runs on schedule, it…
  • Fusion SSO stating failure due to OTP Oauth2 failure

    The SSO configuration is default and the below error comes from the fusion-management pod. This is happening with initial login. Access to 5443 is unaffected and works as it should. HERCULES_SECURE is true MGMT_TRUSTSTORE is: /usr/local/hercules…
  • Thub failed to deploy Internal server error

    Hello I am installing the latest thub 3.5, which requires the installation of fusion also. Once I finished the installation of cdf and I deployed thub and fiusion, and I open the web interface on port 3000 to make initial config I am getting the error…
  • CDF portal user registration page not showing direct login page

    CDF portal user registration page not showing direct login page is coming up. Any idea to re register user with a email id.
  • Change CA MF CDF RE from self-signed to CA signed on Arcsight Platform.

    Hi all, For more than a week I have been trying to defeat the replacement of a self-signed CA MF CDF RE certificate with an organization certificate. This process is described in some detail in the guide Signing the External Communication Certificate…
  • How to integration ArcMC on Fusion Web UI

    Hello everyone, I'm deploying ArcSight Platform 2021.1, and on Fusion Web UI, i see ArcMC. But i cannot find any document about integration my ArcMC with that ArcMC. Anyone know how to integration? Thank you!
  • Getting ArcMC Containerized version to work

    Is there anything special that has to be completed to get the containerized version of ArcMC to display in your browser? In the configuration page of fusion, I gave the instance a random name and even opened up port 9000 on my master mode but I keep getting…
  • Unable to deploy Fusion due to ReqlTimeoutError: Could not connect to herc-rethinkdb-svc:28015

    When trying several times to deploy Fusion I keep getting the following in my Fusion-ui-services pod and none of the fusion pods will deploy. I tried setting the client id and secret and also not setting it and same result. I did setup an smtp service…