Arcsight Platform and database

do I understand correctly I need setup communal storage on the cloud ? Documentation saying "Communal storage is based on an object store, such as Amazon's S3 bucket in the cloud or a storage device for an on-premises deployment. The database relies on the object store to maintain the durable copy of the data." However, Arcsight DB installation has only these selection.

# ========================================
# STEP 2: Specify communal storage details
Supported communal storage types -
1) S3
2) Azure Blob Storage
3) Google Cloud Storage
Choose a communal storage type from the above (1-3):


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    Thank you,
    I though the problem with fusion pods after install is due to missing database.


    Status of pods
    NAMESPACE                  NAME                                                     READY   STATUS      RESTARTS         AGE
    arcsight-installer-926qc   arcmc-update-io-license-nch7x                            0/1     Completed   0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   autopass-lm-69f6cc86b5-6f652                             2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-arcmc-web-app-cbbb785f8-hn2kq                     0/4     Pending     0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-arcsight-configuration-service-77fff57686-ttcfs   2/2     Running     6 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-common-doc-web-app-6c96fd77cf-wk8wr               2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-dashboard-web-app-b586c899-b8kft                  2/2     Running     7 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-db-adm-schema-mgmt-777f878d8b-5mpgj               0/1     Init:1/2    0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-db-monitoring-web-app-6f466bfb54-4bnc7            0/2     Init:3/4    0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-db-search-engine-68fdd67449-xs7l9                 0/2     Init:2/3    0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-metadata-rethinkdb-659769b4bb-cjx5l               1/1     Running     2 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-metadata-web-app-588997bdd8-jglbp                 2/2     Running     5 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-reporting-web-app-5b5796489-sx498                 0/2     Pending     0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-search-and-storage-web-app-59bf8888f4-xg2th       0/2     Init:1/5    0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-search-web-app-bfbd445bc-hn4ss                    0/2     Init:1/4    0                65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-single-sign-on-67c5df4989-ntcn6                   2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-ui-services-5c7c679755-cqt82                      2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   fusion-user-management-658994746c-gx6mv                  1/2     Running     7 (3m21s ago)    65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   layered-analytics-widgets-5f6f789cc6-xgwc4               1/1     Running     2 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   nginx-ingress-controller-v9pbz                           1/1     Running     2 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   soar-frontend-6b684cfc68-q5vtz                           2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   soar-gateway-57c59795f7-zk877                            2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   soar-message-broker-7d7d6dc4df-gll8k                     2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   soar-web-app-7b6bff8849-wfczt                            1/2     Running     9 (19s ago)      65m
    arcsight-installer-926qc   suite-reconf-pod-arcsight-installer-86c8dbb798-gg7s4     2/2     Running     4 (10m ago)      65m
    logs from one Init pods
      Type     Reason                  Age                From               Message
      ----     ------                  ----               ----               -------
      Normal   Scheduled               66m                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned arcsight-installer-926qc/fusion-search-web-app-bfbd445bc-hn4ss to
      Warning  FailedScheduling        67m                default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..
      Normal   Pulled                  66m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/kubernetes-vault-init:0.20.0-0013" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 66m                kubelet            Created container install
      Normal   Started                 66m                kubelet            Started container install
      Normal   Pulled                  66m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/arcsight-alpine:3.18.6" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 66m                kubelet            Created container dependence-hercules-search-engine
      Normal   Started                 66m                kubelet            Started container dependence-hercules-search-engine
      Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  45m                kubelet            Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox "001a2a1bdf44ef6d45ed243fd6caff9d84f2f0bcfeddd302a60fc4d014f206e2": plugin type="flannel" failed (add): loadFlannelSubnetEnv failed: open /run/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory
      Normal   Started                 45m                kubelet            Started container install
      Normal   Pulled                  45m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/kubernetes-vault-init:0.20.0-0013" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 45m                kubelet            Created container install
      Normal   SandboxChanged          45m (x2 over 45m)  kubelet            Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
      Normal   Pulled                  44m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/arcsight-alpine:3.18.6" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 44m                kubelet            Created container dependence-hercules-search-engine
      Normal   Started                 44m                kubelet            Started container dependence-hercules-search-engine
      Warning  FailedMount             16m                kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-nskm6" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
      Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  12m                kubelet            Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox "c0ad286c53045fd5d785ee83747aa39caa276d82e360960f9ae21dace4e4bfe6": plugin type="flannel" failed (add): loadFlannelSubnetEnv failed: open /run/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory
      Normal   SandboxChanged          12m (x2 over 12m)  kubelet            Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
      Normal   Pulled                  12m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/kubernetes-vault-init:0.20.0-0013" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 12m                kubelet            Created container install
      Normal   Started                 12m                kubelet            Started container install
      Normal   Pulled                  12m                kubelet            Container image "localhost:5000/arcsight/arcsight-alpine:3.18.6" already present on machine
      Normal   Created                 12m                kubelet            Created container dependence-hercules-search-engine
      Normal   Started                 12m                kubelet            Started container dependence-hercules-search-engine
    YAML used to install
    # ArcSight SOAR single node installation configuration
    # This example configures all components required by SOAR to be installed on a single node including Recon, Transformation Hub, and Database.
    # Before using this example, you must do the following:
    # - Replace the hostname "" (same value in multiple locations) with the correct values for your environment.
    # - Set the values of arcmc-generator-id-start and arcmc-generator-id-end to form a valid Generator ID Range
    #     Generator ID Range: set a valid range within [1-16383].
    #     The difference between the values must be more than 100.
    # Key aspects of this configuration are:
    # - Encryption: yes
    # - Transformation Hub TLS Client Auth: yes
    # - FIPS 140 mode: yes
    # - High Availability: no, since it is deployed on a single node
      default-node-size: small
      allow-worker-on-master: true
      enable-fips: false
        - hostname:
          username: root
          labels: [fusion]
      products: [soar]
        # Transformation Hub, defaults are commented
        # th-init-fips: true
        # th-init-noOfTopicPartitions: 6         
        # th-init-kafkaRetentionBytes: When the database is colocated with the Kubernetes cluster, the ArcSight Platform Installer automatically calculates this value.
        #th-schema-registry-count: 1
        #transform-processor-replicas: 2
        #enrichment-processor1-replicas: 2
        #th-enrichment-processor-integrity-enabled: false
        #routing-processor1-replicas: 0
        #th-kafka-count: 1
        #th-zookeeper-count: 1
        #th-init-kafkaOffsetsTopicReplicationFactor: 1
        #th-init-topicReplicationFactor: 1
        #th-kafka-allow-plaintext: false
        #th-init-client-auth: true
        #Generator ID parameters are mandatory parameters.
        #Ensure that you set arcmc-generator-id-enable to true.
        arcmc-generator-id-start: 12200
        arcmc-generator-id-end: 12500
        arcmc-generator-id-enable: true