multiple conditional map

Dear i need your help with multi level conditional map ,

this is winc parser configurations as follow:

i have issue in "conditionalmap[0].mappings[3].values=Sag:SN-I-2000" and in "conditionalmap[0].mappings[2].values=Sag:SN-I-1000" as it take and parser everything except the fields after


or after "conditionalmap[0].mappings[3].field=event.deviceAction


any help please as in dev guid i can't find anything related to multi level conditional  mapping 

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    Hi   I'm not sure that a multi-level conditional map works.  Since I see that you're still doing a lot of regex on the conditional mappings, I would suggest instead to use submessage parsing instead of conditional mapping for this purpose.  I don't know that submessage parsing will work on the delimited parser, so if it doesn't then my suggestion would be to send deviceEventClassId to an extra processor parser in which you can use regex and submessage parsing on it.  That should allow you to have more flexibility for the results you want.