What Operating System for software form factor?

Hello all,

In the latest Logger 7.3 and ArcMC 3.2.2 sw version RL the supported OS are:

For ArcSight Logger Software Version: 7.3 Software form factor:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.9, 8.6
  • Rocky Linux 8.6

For ArcSight ArcMC Software Version: 3.2.2 software form factor:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.6, 8.4, 7.9.
  • Rocky Linux 8.6 (supported)
  • CentOS 7.9.

Now , i know that:

CentOS 7 will reach end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024.
CentOS 8 has reach end of life (EOL) on December 31, 2021

This situation confuses me because in the ArcMC RL CentOS 7.9 is still reported as supported but in the logger NO.
The RLs report nothing about CentOS 8.*.
On Rocky Linux only 8.6 is supported which has 3 versions ahead and then 9.* was released which already has 4 versions ahead of 9.3
Furthermore, there is no official upgrade to go from Rocky Linux 8 to 9

How can you put yourself in the most favorable position if you want to install a new logger and Arcmc software?

Can you dare to use ROCKY linux 9 or will it go out of support?

From this scenario I can say that RedHat remains the only OS that offers greater guarantees

Your opinion / experiences ?


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    Hello Roby, 

    well, the CentOS issue must be addressed to the RHEL in my opinion....

    Now related to Free OS well if the following question is not too direct ...Who chose to do that in production !?  If you are doing that then who can guarantee that there will be no issues in the future?

    Why you are not sticking with RHEL?

    Going back to supported free OS well your answer is Rocky Linux and indeed for now ArcSight products are supported only on 8.x but that will change in time for sure.

    Can you dare to use ROCKY Linux 9.x? - well I am not recomand it.

    Furthermore, there is no official upgrade to go from Rocky Linux 8 to 9 - why not try one of many experiences like this one "https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/upgrade-from-rocky-linux-8-x-to-rocky-linux-9-0" and see what's the feedback.

    From this scenario, I can say that RedHat remains the only OS that offers greater guarantees - for the production that's my recommendation but for lab well you can try Rocky.



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    Thanks Daniel, in fact the questions were also to understand the tendency or experiences of using one release/version vs the other

    Certainly the use of RHEL will offer more guarantees but we are already at v9.3 and ArcSight products still provide RHEL 8.6; in your opinion does this mean that rhel 9.* should be avoided until it is recognized or has it already been tested and working with Logger and ArcMC?

    thank you for the link and aswer


  • 0 in reply to 

    Thanks Daniel, in fact the questions were also to understand the tendency or experiences of using one release/version vs the other

    Certainly the use of RHEL will offer more guarantees but we are already at v9.3 and ArcSight products still provide RHEL 8.6; in your opinion does this mean that rhel 9.* should be avoided until it is recognized or has it already been tested and working with Logger and ArcMC?

    thank you for the link and aswer

