• Brazil Timezone update is now available for ArcSight products

    Brazil will not change clocks in 2019 . Timezone updates for this announcement of Brazil is available for the following MicroFocus ArcSight products. Please contact Customer Support to obtain the fixes. - ESM 7.0.0 Patch 2 ( - ESM 6.11…
  • ESM 6.11 Patch 2 is now available!

    We are happy to announce the release of ESM 6.11 Patch 2! This is one of the largest patches we have ever released, with many product and vulnerability fixes. A few critical fixes are listed below: Support for RHEL and CentOS 7.4 (for a full view of supported…
  • ESM 6.11 Patch 1 is now available

    Hi Folks! ESM 6.11 Patch 1 is now available! The patch includes the following: Support for RHEL & CentOS 6.9 Duplicated Events fix - for those who are running high EPS (greater than 15k EPS on a single instance) with large events (greater than…