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Asset List Count 0

Hi all,

On management center, On Dashboard section there was a section for  total number of nodes, where  we can get count of Devices which were integrated, but on device section i can see count 0, Could someone please help me out how can i get actual count of devices which i have integrated.



  • 0

    Hi ,

    This issue is a very old known issue, it means that Micro Focus has not fixed it yet.
    I have 3314 devices but this is completely wrong as I have a lot more based on ESM.

    This info is completely wrong, it was not clear how they calculate this number, is-it for the last hour, etc...
    I would not use that as a valid monitoring solution, use ESM if you have it, it is 100x better for that as you can considered a device the same even if the IP is changed.



  • 0

    Hi ,

    This issue is a very old known issue, it means that Micro Focus has not fixed it yet.
    I have 3314 devices but this is completely wrong as I have a lot more based on ESM.

    This info is completely wrong, it was not clear how they calculate this number, is-it for the last hour, etc...
    I would not use that as a valid monitoring solution, use ESM if you have it, it is 100x better for that as you can considered a device the same even if the IP is changed.



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