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ArcSight Integration to clustered oracle database

Hi All,

Do we have a connector or is there a configuration on how to integrate clustered database for oracle?



Nathan Pitero

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    What do you want to do exactly , what kinda of integration are you looking for ?
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    Hi Edouard,


    Correct me if I'm wrong. If I want to integrate oracle database, I may use the following connector configuration guides

    1. Oracle Audit DB
    2. Oracle Audit Syslog
    3. Oracle Audit Vault
    4. Oracle Audit Windows Event Log - Native/Unified
    5. Oracle Audit XML File

    What I want to do is to integrate oracle database in clustered setup? Is this possible? If yes, how? Is the configuration exactly the same like on the guides?




    Nathan Pitero

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    Are you looking at collecting the audit logs from oracle ? if yes , I suggest you read those guides.