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General Availability of Micro Focus ArcSight Logger 6.71, ArcMC 2.91 & Smart Connector 7.12.0

We are very excited to announce the general availability of Micro Focus ArcSight Logger 6.71, ArcMC 2.91 and Smart Connector 7.12.0

Here are the new features and improvements.

Arcsight Logger 6.71:
Ability to add EB Receiver with IP/Hostname format.
Various security fixes and bug fixes.

ArcSight Management Center 2.91:
Setting Generator ID during Scan Host.
Various security fixes and bug fixes.

ArcSight SmartConnector Framework 7.12.0:
Improved Smart Connectors for
- Microsoft Azure Monitor Event Hub
- AWS Cloudwatch
- VMware Web Services
- Cisco Secure ACS Syslog
- IP Flow (Netflow/J-Flow)
- McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator DB
- Symantec Endpoint Protection DB

Improved parsing and mapping for
- Cisco ASA Syslog
- Cisco Secure ACS Syslog-Juniper JUNOS Syslog
- IP Flow (Netflow/J-Flow)
- McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator DB
- Proofpoint Enterprise Protection and Enterprise Privacy Syslog
- Symantec Endpoint Protection DB
- VMware ESXi Server Syslog

Various security fixes, feature updates, and bug fixes.

Please note that all Logger, ArcMC and Smart Connector customers with active support subscription can upgrade to Logger 6.71, ArcMC 2.91 and Smart Connector 7.12.0.If you own these components individually, then you can access the new software from the software entitlement portal.

ADP / Security Data Platform customers - Please contact technical support to obtain the software for Logger 6.71 and ArcMC 2.91. Smart Connectors 7.12.0 can be found on the software entitlement portal.

Documentation can be found as follows:

Logger 6.71, ArcMC 2.91 and Smart Connector 7.12.0 Support Matrix

Logger 6.71
Logger 6.71 Release Notes
Logger 6.71 Administrator’s Guide 
Logger 6.71 Installation Guide 
Logger 6.71 Web Services API Guide
Logger 6.71 Best Practices Guide 

ArcMC 2.91
ArcMC 2.91 Release Notes
ArcMC 2.91 Administrator's Guide

Smart Connector Framework 7.12.0
Smart Connector Framework 7.12.0 Release Notes
Smart Connector Framework 7.12.0 User Guide 
Smart Connector Framework 7.12.0 Configuration Guides

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support.

Thank you,
ArcSight Product Team


Smart Connectors
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    "ADP / Security Data Platform customers - Please contact technical support to obtain the software for Logger 6.71 and ArcMC 2.91. Smart Connectors 7.12.0 can be found on the software entitlement portal."


    So, will this be the new standard ? That ADP customers has to contact technical support to obtain software ??

    Come on Micro Focus ! :-( 

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    For all ADP customers, I assure you that the new standard IS NOT to have you go to Technical Support in order to download ADP components.  The fact is that this was a temporary workaround so that we could deliver the code pieces to you faster than we would have been otherwise able to.  

    ADP is considered a suite within our back office business systems.  As you know it includes Logger, ArcMC, Connectors, and Event Broker.  If any one of these components cannot ship then, for a number of reasons, the "suite" cannot ship.  Because of some of the challenges we've had with Event Broker we had decided to hold it from the January release.  Our original plan had been to have the issue resolved by March but do to some technology dependencies we had, as well as need to do a good beta test, that March date got pushed to July. 

    As a result, we had a decision to make at both point and time.  Either, 1) hold all of the Logger, connector, and ArcMC fixes from January until March and then until July, OR 2) go ahead and release ArcMC, Logger, and Connectors to you, our ADP customers, through Tech Support.  Your ability to see the binaries in the portal is restrcited by your license.  Since you are entitiled to these components through ADP, if ADP cannot ship for the reason I specified, then you cannot see the updated binaries.  So while the Tech Support route has been inconveinant, and I apologize for that, it was the "best" decision in my power to make given the constraints I had.  My team and I, along with our back office personnell looked for less painful approaches but our hands were tied.  I am happy to report, that I was in a meeting today, where another option may be possible, but I can't say "it is a done deal" and won't know until next week.  

    As the Dir. of PM for ArcSight, the last thing I want to do is make your life more difficult in any area.  I've spoken with many of you and one of the key themes of ArcSight is moving toward making ArcSight simplier in as many ways as we can.  I realize  that this looks like we are flying in the face of that commitment, but I assure you that we are not.  We were trying to do a good thing given bad circumstances. 


    Mike Mychalczuk

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    Hi Mike,

    Is support aware that these requests are going through them?  I just opened a case to get the binaries for ArcMC and Logger and they told me that I can download them myself from the Entitlements website.

    As you know, the last version of ADP available through this site is ADP 6.6.



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    There's a bit of a learning curve that Support is working through:

    * For non-ADP customers, those customers can see the updates on the Entitlement portal
    * For ADP customers, however, those customers don't see the updates in the portal (and need to use the FTP site)

    Thank you for sharing - I've also relayed your feedback to the head of ArcSight support.

    Best regards,

    Paul MacGyver Carman
    Micro Focus Strategic Solutions Architect - Eastern US
    Security, Risk and Governance (SRG)
    Master Certified, CISSP, CEH, CISM
    (M) 1 321.615.1472
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    Thanks for the quick reply Paul.  

    Customers have this same learning curve and I was able to follow the new/temporary process. 

    Seems pretty straightforward to me from a Support perspective:

    1- When this type of request comes in, look to see if the customer is ADP or not.

    1.1- If ADP, make the binary bits available

    1.2 - If not, ask the customer to download themselves from the entitlements website.

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    Thanks for the quick reply Paul.  

    Customers have this same learning curve and I was able to follow the new/temporary process. 

    Seems pretty straightforward to me from a Support perspective:

    1- When this type of request comes in, look to see if the customer is ADP or not.

    1.1- If ADP, make the binary bits available

    1.2 - If not, ask the customer to download themselves from the entitlements website.

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