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ArcSight SmartConnector Parser is now available.


We are pleased to announce that ArcSight SmartConnector Parser Update build is now available for download from the Microfocus Marketplace web site

Proofpoint Syslog Connector will now support version 8.7. Parser Enhancement and/or fixes are made to the following Connectors.

  • Microsoft System Center Configration Manager DB
  • Microsoft Windows Event Log Native Mappings
  • McAfee EPO
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection DB
  • Pulse Secure Connect Syslog
  • CiscoPIX ASA Syslog
  • Checkpoint Syslog
  • Linux Audit Syslog


Please refer to the SmartConnector Release Notes for the complete information.

The Smart Connector Framework releases are available on the SSO Portal.

Verify that you have a SmartConnector license before installing these connectors. The SmartConnector license entitlement is included within ADP, or else bundled with ESM or Logger if you have not yet migrated to the ADP licensing model.

You can find documentation and release notes on Protect 724 here.

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support at


Thank you,

ArcSight Product Team



  • 0

    Excuse me but there is a buggy connector version (based on reports and the annouchment) with no fixed version and no roadmap when is going to be fixed (it could take more than a month so will be 7.8.2 parser till then) and there update for the parser. Why someone should use this parser update if most of the customer had to stay on an old version?


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    Ahh, you need to see the good things - with this release, they managed to provide a ZIP file again with all the config Guides.

    Downloadable now on SSO check for a file named ""




  • 0 in reply to 

    hahahha, without bitching 2 weeks. I hope that it contains the "index.html" and the other structure that 7.7.0 and before had. It was very easy to read the guides.

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    index.html is there, but a link points to the wrong location  - "SmartConnector_UserGuide.pdf", was put into  "agentConfigDocs"....

    Seems that positions in MF are getting shifted - the ppl. that knew how to compile that ZIP-file seem to be gone; would be an explaination, why there was no such thing for 7.8.0

    I honestly hope that some of the core staff will stay with MF, and not the same things happen again, like after HP bought ArcSight.


  • 0 in reply to 

    index.html is there, but a link points to the wrong location  - "SmartConnector_UserGuide.pdf", was put into  "agentConfigDocs"....

    Seems that positions in MF are getting shifted - the ppl. that knew how to compile that ZIP-file seem to be gone; would be an explaination, why there was no such thing for 7.8.0

    I honestly hope that some of the core staff will stay with MF, and not the same things happen again, like after HP bought ArcSight.

