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ESM 7.0 is now available!

 Announcing General Availability of ArcSight ESM 7.0!


We are very excited to announce the release of ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager 7.0!! This is the biggest ESM release in a decade and brings with it a game-changing set of new capabilities, including the ability to scale to meet the most demanding SecOps requirements with a redesigned architecture.

Key Features Include:

Distributed Correlation – A rearchitecutre of ESM as you know it to an advanced cluster technology to scale ESM correlation across nodes (note that you can also use ESM 7.0 as a single node solution if desired - see product documentation or contact your Sales representative for more details)

New UI features - updated charts in the console, global SOC dashboard and drill down features 

Improvements to Cases - Streamlined case fields and improved workflow. New ability to add dashlets & visualizations directly to cases. New ServiceNow integration.

Additional audit history feature – find out who made that rule change, and when they did it with a new audit history. 

Details on these features and all the many others can be found with the product docs. Release notes and documentation can be found here. For additional info please feel free to reach out on this forum or contact your sales rep. 

- ArcSight Product Mangement Team


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